She is the granddaughter of a Mother from Plaza de Mayo, she went to protest at Congress and is imprisoned in Ezeiza

She is the granddaughter of a Mother from Plaza de Mayo, she went to protest at Congress and is imprisoned in Ezeiza
She is the granddaughter of a Mother from Plaza de Mayo, she went to protest at Congress and is imprisoned in Ezeiza

María de la Paz Cerutti is 43 years old, she is an accountant, a direct relative of five victims of the last military dictatorship, granddaughter of a representative of the Mothers of Plaza de Mayo and is detained in the Ezeiza prison without being able to see his family. On Wednesday afternoon, when she was leaving the protests in Congress against the Bases Law, six members of the City Police threw her on her floor, arrested her and since then she has been held incommunicado. “We don’t know if he is with common prisoners. My sister couldn’t give him the clothes or the food she brought him,” said Amanda, one of his sisters.

“This morning it was terrible going to find out where he was,” Amanda tells The uncovering. The thing is His arrest stirs up a family drama that left indelible consequences like the five victims of state terrorism that occurred in his closest environment., for which her grandmother, Sara Dorotier de Cobacho, who was a senator from Buenos Aires and a reference for Mothers of Plaza de Mayo, fought so hard. “My sister went like an ordinary citizen to demonstrate against the Law, this is going to affect her psychologically,” adds Amanda.

Maripaz, as they call her in her family, She is an accountant and accounting professor and has worked for 15 years in the Ministry of Economy.but dSince Thursday, it has been part of the 35 preventive prisons requested by prosecutor Carlos Stornelli and She is now imprisoned in the Ezeiza Federal Penal Unit No. 4. Although in a video that went viral on the networks she is seen just before being arrested without carrying out any type of violent actin the cover of her case she is accused of public intimidation, incitement to collective violence, uprising against the Powers of the State, and other crimes that for the family are unusual and of which they claim “to have no evidence.”

“I thought all my life that these situations were not going to be repeated. What is happening back with my family has us scared. We are in a democracy and nothing illegal was done, it is terrible, it is crazy to relive all this”says his niece, Lihuen, to The uncovering.

Lihuen says that Maripaz is “an example of work for the whole family” and that she is a teacher like her grandmother, like her other aunt and like herself. “We believe in education as a fundamental part of good social development. With these ideas she went to demonstrate, always within the framework of the law, and they took her away illegally. It’s unfair, it has us shocked and worried. Our life story moves us a lot,” she laments.

The family issued a statement not only requesting his urgent release but also warning that he suffers from “health problems” and that this will worsen his situation. “We have no doubt that they are using his case, and that of all those detained in the demonstration, to send a clear message of social discipline, against our right to peaceful protest that as citizens we are constitutionally guaranteed. We hold the Government and Justice responsible for their health and safety,” they warn.

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