Millionaire assault on a jewelry store in the center of Curicó: criminals also took a gun | Police

Millionaire assault on a jewelry store in the center of Curicó: criminals also took a gun | Police
Millionaire assault on a jewelry store in the center of Curicó: criminals also took a gun | Police

After 1:30 p.m. this Saturday, a group of criminals broke into the facilities of the Roger’s Jewelry, which is located at 580 Arturo Prat Street in the city of Curicówhere they intimidated its owner and took from him various pieces of gold and silver, and a firearm with which he would have tried to repel the assault.

According to the first information that was known, the juvenile criminals arrived aboard two vehicles to the central corner of Arturo Prat and Manuel Rodríguez, from where They stole several pieces of jewelry and a gun carried by the owner of the commercial premises.

Later it was established that one of the cars that the subjects used to escape had a current charge for robbery from the town of El Cisne in the commune of Teno, in fact once its owner found out about the events in which was involved, he showed up at the Los Canales intersection in the Sagrada Familia commune, where they left him abandoned.

In an exclusive conversation with VLN Radio, a witness of the moment in which the criminals made the change of vehicle, said: “we were entering the intersection when when turning towards Sagrada Familia, We saw them coming running towards the road. One was wearing a blue sweatshirt, there were two men in total.”

By order of the Maule Flagrancy Prosecutor’s Office, the investigative proceedings to try to clarify this new act of violence carried out by an armed group in the center of the city of Curicó, were left in the hands of the BIRO detectives of the PDI.

There is no clarity regarding the valuation of the species that were stolen, since they would correspond to various pieces of fine jewelry and pistol-type weapons.

Until the closing of this edition, No arrests had been reported. after this million-dollar robbery that occurred in broad daylight in the commercial neighborhood of Curicó, in the Maule region.


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