They demand the eradication of micro-garbage dumps in the city

They demand the eradication of micro-garbage dumps in the city
They demand the eradication of micro-garbage dumps in the city

The Deliberative Council will ask the Municipality of the City of Salta to carry out tasks to eradicate micro-garbage dumps, eliminate branches that block lighting, instruct owners or managers to clean the properties and condition squares.

The Deliberative Council will ask the Municipality of the City of Salta to carry out tasks to eradicate micro-garbage dumps, eliminate branches that block lighting, instruct owners or managers to clean the properties and condition squares.

The claims are contained in half a dozen Resolutions that have a favorable opinion from the Environment, Hygiene and Safety commission for the body to treat on the premises.

Among others, the Municipality is asked to clean, weed, eradicate micro-garbage and maintain the Lago Blanco street canal, between the Apolinario Saravia and Manantial Sur neighborhoods.

Eliminate branches that block public lighting in Plaza Virgen del Valle, Solís Pizarro neighborhood and on Fortín and Manuel Cedolini streets, between Fortín Angastaco and Fortín El Rodeo streets.

Also to proceed with the landscaping, cleaning and conditioning of children’s games in Pereyra Rozas squares in the Miguel Ortíz neighborhood and Momos squares in the Cosmopol neighborhood.

During the first three months of the current administration, 13,866 micro-garbage dumps were removed, the vast majority composed of pruning remains and household waste.


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