A man was the victim of a robbery, he found the thief, beat him and handed him over to the Police

A man was the victim of a robbery, he found the thief, beat him and handed him over to the Police
A man was the victim of a robbery, he found the thief, beat him and handed him over to the Police

The thief was discovered with several hidden weapons (Municipality of Tigre)

A few days ago, a resident of the Buenos Aires town of General Rodriguez He was the victim of a robbery at his home. Despite this, the culprit remained free, until the man himself He met him on the street and cornered him so he couldn’t escape. Moments later, the accused was arrested by the police Tiger.

The incident occurred last Friday, when the victim of the robbery was traveling on Route 197 and Colombia Street, near the town of The Talar. At that moment, he noticed that the criminal he had entered to rob his house was there, so he intercepted him by beating him.

As captured by the security cameras of the Municipality of Tigre, the man reduced the criminal to the ground. In this way, the criminal was left lying face up on one side of the cordon, while the citizen stayed next to him to prevent him from escaping the scene.

Minutes later, a cell phone belonging to the agents of the Tiger Operations Center (COT) He showed up in the area after a witness contacted the emergency line. “Could you send me a cell phone, here at the terminal they are fucking up,” the man reported, according to the audio that the authorities published.

The moment the man caught the suspect

When the police personnel arrived, the man gave his version of the events, after having been inspected by the officers. He even had to receive medical assistance, since several ambulance doctors were in charge of taking his blood pressure due to the agitated state in which he was.

In parallel, the thief was searched by the agents, who discovered that he was carrying a cache of camouflaged weapons in a backpack prepared for delivery. According to the media North Zone, the suspect was carrying a 22 caliber revolver, a pistol, ammunition and a knife. For this reason, the man was placed at the disposal of Justice, but it is unknown in which police station he was housed.

On the other hand, another man was detained by COT officers after they discovered that he had stolen chairs from an ice cream parlor in the center of Tigre. The event occurred on June 12 and was filmed by the city’s security cameras, after the monitoring center staff detected suspicious movements at the intersection of Miter and Av. Italia streets.

The accused was brought to justice

Faced with this, police officers questioned him after finding him in the area. As reported What’s up web, the officers proceeded to arrest him after he could not justify the origin of the chairs. Minutes later, the accused acknowledged that he had stolen them from a business that was located on Italia Avenue, so they opened a case against him and he was made available.

Earlier this month, another robbery was detected by the monitoring center, when a young man in a suspicious attitude was seen carrying a television under his arm on Esquiú and Dean Funes streets. However, the arrest of the suspect was ordered after he discarded the screen and fled.

In this way, police personnel intercepted him in the area after they received a complaint about another robbery in a home located in Las Tunas. At the time of the arrest, the officers seized the television and a bicycle that were believed to have been stolen from the second property. However, the authorities have not yet discovered what would have been the first address where the television had been stolen.

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