The PP accuses the PSOE of granting a “pardon” to Magdalena Álvarez using the Constitutional

The PP accuses the PSOE of granting a “pardon” to Magdalena Álvarez using the Constitutional
The PP accuses the PSOE of granting a “pardon” to Magdalena Álvarez using the Constitutional

The general secretary of the PP, Cuca Gamarrahas accused the PSOE of secretly granting a “pardon” to Magdalena Álvarez using the constitutional Courtwhich the Government controls de facto with a majority of progressive magistrates.

In statements about the Constitutional ruling in relation to the ‘ERE case’, Gamarra expressed his indignation and concern in the face of what he considers an “alarming” judicial decision and the possible interference of the President of the Government, Pedro Sanchez.

Gamarra did not hesitate to describe the TC’s decision as a “pardon through the back door“, referring to the annulment of the conviction for prevarication of the former socialist minister in times of Shoemaker and also an Andalusian counselor. “It is not a good day for all of us who believe in the relentless fight against corruption“Lamented Gamarra, underlining his discontent with the court’s resolution.

For the general secretary of the PP, this sentence is “beneficial” for Sánchez and his party: “For whom it is a good day, it is for Pedro Sánchez and for his objective of erasing crimes that affect the corruption of the PSOE.” According to Gamarra, the pardons that the Government was processing for socialist leaders such as Manuel Chaves either José Antonio Griñán “Maybe you don’t have to process them anymore because can be pardoned by back door in the Constitutional“.

“Alarming for democratic quality”

Furthermore, Gamarra strongly criticized the Sánchez’s statements at a rally of the PSOE, where He flattered Magdalena Álvarez in the middle of the European electoral campaign: “Two weeks ago, in the middle of the European electoral campaign, the President of the Government either advanced the ruling of a ruling by the TC or gave indications of in which direction the ruling should go.” Gamarra added that “it is alarming for democratic quality“.

The general secretary of the PP also highlighted that, despite the ruling of the TC, there are facts that “no sentence can erase“. According to Gamarra, the case of the ERE of Andalusia It remains “the biggest case of corruption in the history of Spain, which as it could not be otherwise affects the Socialist Party.” He recalled that this corruption scandal involved two presidents, vice presidents and five councilors of the Andalusian Government, who diverted up to 680 million euros intended for the unemployed “to friends, family and the purchase of cocaine.”

Gamarra also highlighted the consistency of the case throughout the judicial process. “Up to 20 judges have heard this case throughout the entire procedure and at no time has the existence of a crime of prevarication been questioned,” he stated, emphasizing the seriousness and clarity of the crimes involved.

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