The dean of the Faculty of Philosophy dismissed the person in charge of the Marica Seminar

Among the titles of the seminar were: “Vogue and Ballroom Culture Workshop. The kiki scene and ballroom culture from Mendoza”, which refers to a type of dance between men and women.

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Mercedes Barischetti, responsible for the organization of the Marica seminar at the National University of Cuyo.

Mercedes Cecilia Barischetti presented her resignation after criticism of the “Marica Seminar”, held in May.

– “Marica Poetry Workshop Or how to make a text body? (introduction workshop to cuir literature).” Cuir culture is a subculture within the LGBTQ+ community that is characterized by a rebellious aesthetic and a rebellious attitude toward social and sexual norms.

– “Twerk Workshop”. Movement practice and sensory experimentation.

– “Twisted Memory/s Workshop. A chronicle pregnant with contingencies. Deployment of a collective somatic writing device to map a living memory.”

-“Closing. Talk-debate. Diversities/Dissidence in Mendoza. Organization, visibility and collective struggles.”

In statements to the newspaper El Sol, one of those responsible for the workshops had explained that the space “arose in “the current context of increasing cases of violence against people from the LGBTIQ+ community”.

Gustavo Zonana, dean of the Faculty of Philosophy and Letters

Gustavo Zonana, dean of Philosophy and Letters at UNCuyo.

Faced with the controversy and the separation of the person in charge, Dean Zonana agreed to an interview with ONE:

– How was it created, from what intention and who endorsed the contents of the Marica Seminar held in May?

The activity was organized from the Social Articulation Area of ​​the Faculty of Philosophy and Letters. It is the area that organizes the educational social practices of the faculty. The contents are part of a line of work related to Comprehensive Sexual Education. Regardless of thisI learned about the seminar through social networks in the area without the project being presented to me previously.

Then this happened, but I didn’t agree with it. two of the workshops that finally were not held inside the faculty, the one on twerking and the one on ballroom, considering that they were not strictly academic activities. The activities that were carried out were two writing workshops. Let us remember that the CRES + 5 Regional Higher Education Conference, held in Brasilia from March 13 to 15 of this year, maintains in its final document the following: “(…) we must promote policies aimed at promoting equal opportunities for women and members of the LGBTIQA+ community”.

States and Higher Education Institutions, in coordination with student, union and social representations, must promote initiatives that promote gender equality, respect for diversity, and effective non-discrimination policies.

LGTBI.webp seminar

Image of the LGTBI seminar that took place in May at UNCUYO.

Image of the LGTBI seminar that took place in May at UNCUYO.

-There was controversy over the exhibitors and the form of their workshops. How did the university community receive it? What was it like to live inside the Faculty of Philosophy?

-Like any activity that seeks to raise awareness about groups, There were voices for and against.. Once the activity was spread on the networks, I decided not to censor it. In that sense, I clarify that I requested that changed the name of the seminar and my request was not attended to.

-After the controversy, were there any decisions regarding those who organized it?

-I am in a process of restructuring the area for two fundamental reasons. True teamwork admits no surprises. Secondly, it is necessary strategically rethink the actions that are undertaken with all the groups that are part of the faculty.

-Did the workshop leaders get paid for these hours?

-The faculty only provided the classrooms for the workshops. Other expenses were covered with a subsidy from the Secretariat of University Policies.

The workshop participants reported threats and discrimination

This medium tried to communicate with some of those responsible for the talks, but they preferred not to give statements since they stated that after a youtuber identified as Tipito to express himself on the subject, intimidating messages reached his personal accounts.

“They are very afraid. They are receiving messages in which they are questioned and disrespected and they fear for their physical integrity,” indicated voices from around the artists and writers who provided this cycle.

The influencer showed each of the talks and the protagonists questioning that the UNCuyo funds HE allocated to this type of activities. The content had more than 1,000 comments in favor of and against his opinion.

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