Sports in Cuba: bastion of science and education

Interesting topics linked to these spheres were debated in an international forum held in the Cuban capital

Havana.- FROM the massiveness of the gender approach, through sports initiation and the transition to high performance, stood out today in the wide variety of topics addressed during the International Forum on Science, Physical Education and School Sports: 60 years of victories and love.

At the Havana Convention Palace, and as part of the program of the Third International Congress of Science and Education, renowned specialists spoke before an audience made up of professors, doctors, glories and managers linked to the development of physical activity and sports in the Island.

Particularities of physical education seen as an institutional project, the talent selection system and the leading role of Inder in the recreational proposals for the summer season occupied the beginning of the exchange from a panel made up of Joel Gutiérrez, Oscar Nuevo Reyes and Rebeca Hernandez Mezonet.

The latter delved into the implementation within the Cuban Sports System of government initiatives, such as the National Programs for Advancement of Women and Color Cubano, which address current problems of reality on the Island, and whose approaches are of great value for a broad training organization such as Inder.

“We cannot ignore that the protagonists of many results in Cuban sports come mostly from the most humble sectors and it is essential to fight against all vestiges of discrimination,” said Dr. Sc. Hernández Mezonet, a passionate defender of gender equality in all sectors of society.

The intervention of Nuevo Reyes focused on the Cuban sports reserve, its strengths and weaknesses, who detailed aspects of the current panorama. Starting from the figures and the design of the Cuban system in the shape of a pyramid, he illustrated the transition from the base to high performance, a period of maximum importance for obtaining good results.

Nuevo elaborated on the strategies implemented after the covid-19 pandemic, the importance of scientific institutions contributing to the process, and referred to the decrease in the population in places where grassroots sports areas are located, a phenomenon that forces us to perfect the talent detection system and its follow-up to the top level of the pyramid.


As the Olympic year of the National School Games, the 60th edition of these contests was cataloged in the Forum, which will be inaugurated on July 1st at the Eide Mártires de Barbados, in Havana.

“This is the most important championship of the Cuban Sports System, due to its dynamics to train those who will later reach the national teams,” acknowledged Ramón Ají, head of the Inder school sports department, before highlighting that in preparation for the fair They repair more than 30 sports facilities throughout the country.

As the program closed, the participants learned about the experiences lived by three volleyball players who were part of the famous Morenas del Caribe, with the common denominator of having been born in Camagüey territory.

Yumilka Ruiz, Tania Ortiz and Idalmis Gato talked about how they came to the national team, reviewed their time at different levels of sports education, the importance of having participated in national school games, along with other significant moments in their careers, including the meetings with Commander in Chief Fidel Castro, whom they consider the Greatest Athlete.

In their interventions they remembered other stellar Camagüey figures of this sport such as Evelina Borroto, Mercedes Pomares and Mireya Luis, who, like Yumilka, served in their respective eras as captains of the national team.

Yumilka, who was awarded the title of Doctor of Physical Culture Sciences at the end of last year, successfully led the pleasant exchange. Shortly before the end she received from the first vice president of Inder, Raúl Fornés Valenciano, an award granted by the World Council of University Academics and Researchers (Comau).

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