“We are helpless by Justice,” cries the family of the Albelda victim

«We are helpless by Justice. This is a shame, that’s how we feel. “No one is taking care of it,” cried this Thursday Soledad Carrillo, aunt of the young woman from Albelda de Iregua who has already suffered three attacks this year, after the rally. in her support called by the feminist movement of La Rioja at the Palace of Justice.

Soledad Carrillo attributed the succession of sexual and physical attacks to an attempt to coerce her 28-year-old niece to withdraw the complaint against her ex-partner for a first and previous attack. «We believe that this is due to the complaints, but there is no reason to do what they do. If a person has something to report, let them report it,” said Soledad Carrillo. The victim’s aunt also stated that the family is “very outraged by the false news that is being given because they say that they are from rival gangs, and if there are rival gangs, I don’t know, the only thing we know is that they are attacking my niece again and again and it has nothing to do with clans. Carrillo went further and confessed that “we are afraid to speak in case there are consequences, which is already sad.”

Isabel Ilzarbe, a doctor in Humanities from the University of La Rioja and spokesperson for the feminist movement of La Rioja, spoke in this same sense, who, after reading a manifesto with Carrillo, showed her support for the victim and criticized the judicial decisions. «We are also here to remember that Justice continues to be deeply patriarchal, otherwise the decisions that are being made would not have been made, this woman would not have been left unprotected practically from the first attack, allowing her to be attacked a second time. and that this week they gave him a brutal beating that made him need medical attention at the San Pedro Hospital,” Ilzarbe criticized.

Soledad Carrillo, aunt of Albelda’s victim.


«We also believe that the fact that the two attackers are free only serves to leave her even more unprotected. This situation cannot be tolerated, Justice has to protect the victims of gender, sexual and sexist violence. With these situations the only thing they show is that they do not care about the situation they are left in,” Ilzarbe added. For the spokesperson of the feminist movement, as the first attack, some time ago, was suffered by the young woman from Albelda by her ex-partner, “we are talking about a victim of gender violence, as defined in the law.” Ilzarbe also pointed out that “it is independent of the neighborhood she is in or of a possible drug issue, it has absolutely nothing to do with it and it is demonstrated by her because they are attacking her.”

Ilzarbe also stated that the victim “they are trying to discipline her, to get her to withdraw the first complaint she made and now, with this new beating, they are trying to get her to withdraw the complaints.” “If she continues in this high-risk and unprotected situation, in the end we will have to mourn one more death due to gender violence,” stated Ilzarbe.

The feminist movement of La Rioja criticizes the “situation of total lack of protection and high risk”

Only 70 people gathered, in the rain, at the door of the Palace of Justice of La Rioja to condemn the attacks on Albelda’s wife and the release of her attackers. And among the familiar faces you could barely see the councilor Rubén Antoñanzas, the UR professor Julio Rubio and the former general director of Participation and Human Rights Sara Carreño.

On the one hand, the victim’s aunt, Soledad Carrillo, expressed her “strongest condemnation” for what happened and, on the other, Isabel Ilzarbe, representing the Riojan feminist movement that organized the event, criticized the “situation of total lack of protection and “high risk” of the victim. «It is not acceptable, neither for us nor for society, that the system leaves two aggressors on the street who have attacked the same victim. “All of these acts respond to a reality that it seems our institutions do not want to understand: the use of violence to discipline women,” declared the spokesperson.

Ilzarbe also demanded a “deep investigation,” since the victim also suffers “threats and intimidation, proof that machismo exercises violence against a woman who has dared to come forward and report.” “La Rioja is one of the communities where gender violence is growing the most, this is not an isolated case and we ask that the care center for victims of gender violence be put into operation,” she added.


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