Authorities and unions of the Atlantic exalt the example of Luis Carlos Sarmiento Angulo for regional development

Authorities and unions of the Atlantic exalt the example of Luis Carlos Sarmiento Angulo for regional development
Authorities and unions of the Atlantic exalt the example of Luis Carlos Sarmiento Angulo for regional development

ANDBusinessman Luis Carlos Sarmiento Angulo received the highest recognition for his professional career of more than 70 years by the Government of Atlántico, the Mayor’s Office of Barranquilla and the economic unions of this area of ​​the Colombian Caribbean.

The entities highlighted the impact of their work in promoting social well-being and economic development for the generation of employment through the creation of companies.

Sarmiento received the ‘Golden Gate of Colombia’ medal from the departmental administration, in Gold form, and a decree in which his life and work are exalted. While the Mayor’s Office of Barranquilla awarded him the City of Barranquilla medal, in the Gold category. Representatives of the business and industrial sector, through the Intergremial, also awarded a plaque of recognition.

The event, called ‘Tribute to a life of service’, took place at noon this Thursday in the Crystal Cube of the Plaza de la Paz, in the center of Barranquilla, and was attended by distinguished personalities from the capital, including , businessmen, industrialists, public officials and military and police authorities.

The former president of the board of directors of Grupo Aval arrived in Barranquilla on Thursday morning in the company of two of his children – Luis Carlos Sarmiento Gutiérrez, president of the board of directors of Grupo Aval, and Adriana Sarmiento Gutiérrez, CEO and founder of the firm CCXC – and some of his grandchildren, as well as executives of the economic group. The businessman had the opportunity to see emblematic works of Barranquilla such as the Gran Malecón del Río, where he shared, at the Caimán del Río restaurant, with Governor Eduardo Verano de la Rosa and Mayor Alejandro Char, as well as representatives of the economic unions.

The caravan of cars that accompanied Sarmiento stopped at the site where the Shakira statue is located, one of the points that attract hundreds of visitors daily. There the businessman saw the emblematic sculpture of the Barranquilla artist.

Recognition of work for the development of the country

The governor of Atlántico, Eduardo Verano, defined Sarmiento Angulo as a man of business spirit, exemplary visionary, leader and exceptional human being.

In his 70-year career, he has faced all kinds of challenges, successes and crises that have allowed him to test himself. And what is demonstrated is that his inner strength is so dazzling that he has been able to overcome challenges that seemed insurmountable, because, although it may sound like a truism, the most outstanding thing about a human being is not seeing how many times he falls, but rather the forcefulness with which who decides to get up. And in that our honoree is a great reference for all of us, Colombians,” said Verano.

He pointed out that, precisely, the businessman’s particular management style is an example to follow as a builder of peace, promoter of social well-being and facilitator of tools for business creation. Today, the companies led by Sarmiento Angulo generate 120 thousand jobs, which can well be understood as 120 thousand benefiting families.

Businessman Luis Carlos Sarmiento Angulo, with the ‘Golden Gate of Colombia’ medal, awarded by the Mayor’s Office of Barranquilla.

Photo:Rafael Polo. Kronos Agency

“His generosity and responsibility towards the country have been fundamental for the lives of many Colombians. It shows that the State creates the conditions, incentives and infrastructure, but it is the businessman who makes the economy grow. Luis Carlos Sarmiento Angulo is the best example of that businessman,” said the governor.

In turn, Mayor Char highlighted Sarmiento’s rigor and discipline, knowledge as a businessman, and union and professional association leadership.

“The families of our country, especially the most humble ones, have a lot to thank this business titan who made his fortune and generated wealth by providing work and quality of life, building housing within the reach of Colombians from various social strata; “An avant-garde man without a doubt who has known how to adapt to different times, to different public policies, to the needs of people and cities.”

The Barranquilla president recalled that the Bogota businessman graduated from a public university: “It reminds us that investing in the talent of our young people is a sure determinant in these new generations of Barranquilla.”

He also emphasized the importance of investment in infrastructure, becoming an engine of social development. “For that and a thousand other things we will continue to admire him day after day,” Char said.

A link with the region

In his speech, Sarmiento Angulo thanked the authorities for their recognition and took the opportunity to mention the importance of joint work between local governments and the business sector to generate economic development, employment and more opportunities for everyone.

“In a favorable environment that promotes competitiveness and sustainability, local and departmental governments are essential for the creation of policies and programs that support companies,” he said.

Sarmiento recalled the investments made in the department: “In Atlántico we have had the opportunity to invest and generate employment and social development with the entities of Grupo Aval, Promigas and its companies Gases Del Caribe and with Hoteles Estelar; In the Group’s banks we have more than 390,000 natural persons and 10,000 companies and government entities as clients.”

He recalled that through Grupo Aval they have disbursed 700 loans to SMEs in the department, of which 401 went to small and medium-sized companies led by women. She is also participating in the project of the Gran Ciudadela Alameda del Río, in Barranquilla, which will benefit 1,344 families to acquire their own home.

Image of the tribute to businessman Luis Carlos Sarmiento Angulo in Barranquilla. To the right of him appear his daughter Adriana Sarmiento Gutiérrez, CEO and founder of the CCXC firm; Mayor Alejandro Char and former Governor Elsa Noguera. To the left of him is Governor Eduardo Verano de la Rosa.

Photo:Rafael Polo. Kronos Agency

There is also the financing of projects such as the expansion of the Universidad del Norte and the Universidad del Atlántico, at the Sabanalarga headquarters; of the Mallorquín Ecopark and the first urban development of the Gran Malecón de Barranquilla.

He explained that over 50 years his companies dedicated to the transportation and distribution of natural gas, energy solutions, regasification of liquefied natural gas and non-bank financing have worked “to improve the quality of life and boost the competitiveness of the Colombian Caribbean, generating a “high-impact social investment.”

“We benefit more than 2.2 million clients located in 572 towns, which represents close to 9 million people who benefit from our services every day; 50% of these clients have joined in the last 13 years, a period in which the Aval Group has participated in the growth of Promigas and its subsidiaries, reflecting its commitment to the development of the region and the reduction of energy poverty in this region. area of ​​the country“he assured.

Today, more than ever, each company has a great responsibility with the society of our country, and in the department of Atlántico there are important unresolved challenges such as poverty and inequality indices.

Another point that stood out in his speech was the contribution to the increase in protected areas and nature reserves. He recalled that since 2017 his organization has contributed to the conservation of the tropical dry forest in and near protected areas. For this purpose, about 120 hectares were acquired that serve as a refuge for typical forest species with some degree of threat, effectively contributing to the conservation objectives of the Los Colorados flora and fauna sanctuary.

“Today more than ever each company has a great responsibility with the society of our country, and in the department of Atlántico there are important unresolved challenges such as poverty and inequality rates; with great conviction we have assumed, along with the results of the companies, responsibilities that have led us to promote philanthropic projects focused on the central axes that clearly aim to leave the new generations a social footprint,” said Sarmiento Angulo.

Finally, he recognized the potential of the Atlantic department and the Caribbean region as a source of development and growth of the economy: “Hence our commitment so that through our companies we continue investing in the future, energy infrastructure and tourism, generating quality jobs and progress.“, he pointed out.

Leidys Rivero M.

Caribbean Deputy Editor


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