Maximiliano Pullaro and Martín Llaryora have already confirmed that they will go to the May Pact called by Milei for July 9 in Tucumán

Maximiliano Pullaro and Martín Llaryora have already confirmed that they will go to the May Pact called by Milei for July 9 in Tucumán
Maximiliano Pullaro and Martín Llaryora have already confirmed that they will go to the May Pact called by Milei for July 9 in Tucumán

After Javier Milei relaunched the call for the postponed May Pact, which would be signed on July 9 in Tucumán, the governor of Santa Fe, Maximiliano Pullaro, confirmed that he will subscribe and propose “adding two points.” At the same time, Martin Llaryora (Córdoba) also said that he will “accompany” the President.

“If they are the same points that the President had raised, of course I as governor of the province of Santa Fe I’m going to be“Pullaro responded when asked about the possibility of participating in the long-awaited May Pact.

In dialogue with radio Miterthe provincial leader highlighted: “We will try to add some points such as strengthening the productive system: where the Argentine Republic is going, what it wants to produce and what it wants to sell to the world. For us that is countryside and industry.”

“Also the strengthening of the educational system of the Argentine Republic. We need knowledge to be able to deploy our full potential,” he added.

Asked if he would ask to add two more points to the ten already known, Pullaro specified: “We would ask to at least debate it, put it on the debate table.”

When leading the event for Flag Day in Rosario, Milei expressed: “I want to take advantage of this day with the Argentine flag flying in the sky, with the sanction of the Bases Law and the fiscal package already advanced, to call for us to meet on the night of July 9 in Tucumán to sign the May Pact and finally let us begin together to turn the page of our history.”


Javier Milei relaunched the May Pact and called for it to be signed in Tucumán on July 9.

In his call, the President included “all political authorities, governors, leaders, former presidents, the Supreme Court, businessmen, workers and all citizens… to achieve the dream of a prosperous and free Argentina.” And he exclaimed: “It is essential that we put away the broken blinders.”

In another part of the interview, the Santa Fe president came out in defense of the senator and head of radicalism, Martín Lousteau, who was questioned by his own radical colleagues for voting against the Bases Law. “The Radical Civic Union is a party that has a lot of internal debate,” he highlighted.

I strongly support Martín Lousteau’s position., beyond the fact that at some point it may not coincide. Maybe because of my role in this case as governor of the province of Santa Fe,” he stressed.

For Pullaro, the radical senator is “a person of many convictions” and “unlike many political leaders in the country, he does what he thinks and does not measure costs in doing so.”

“That highlights him and puts him in a different figure. What he did he had discussed with the party table. Maybe those of us who are governors have a different perspective that has to do with what management dictates to us every day,” he putualized. .

Finally, the Santa Fe president assured that “radicalism is going to organize itself and find new leadership that will allow it to organize a coalition again in Argentina and contest power again.”

Llaryora: “We are going to accompany the President”

In Balnearia, San Justo department, Cordoban governor Martín Llaryora confirmed that he will be present on July 9 in Tucumán.

“We are going to accompany President Javier Milei in the signing of the agreement proposed by his government for the month of July, in Tucumán. We had planned to do it in Córdoba, on May 25. Unfortunately it was not possible, but of course I will be there on May 9. July in Tucumán,” he said.

“In a time of crisis like the one we have, we must be more together than ever, pulling in the same direction. I always think about adding, not subtracting. I think we have to be part of the solution, not the problem,” he said. .

“It is good that in Argentina we can have 10 points of agreement on which to get to work,” added the governor, while affirming that some points of the agreement are already fulfilled in the province of Córdoba.

“When one says about working together between the public and the private, in Córdoba this is constant. We have been doing the fiscal surplus for more than 20 years. Honor our debts and our commitments; favor exports,” he concluded.

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