They seek to reconstruct evidence of interceptions of Marelbys Meza – LaVibrante.Com

They seek to reconstruct evidence of interceptions of Marelbys Meza – LaVibrante.Com
They seek to reconstruct evidence of interceptions of Marelbys Meza – LaVibrante.Com

At 8:30 in the morning on Monday, June 24, the Military Criminal Justice Prosecutor’s Office began an exhaustive inspection of the Casa de Nariño. More than 20 officials, including topography and photography experts, participate in this procedure whose objective is to reconstruct the polygraph test administered to the former nanny Marelbys Meza on January 30, 2023.

The inspection focuses on the Galán building, adjacent to the Casa de Nariño, where the polygraph test was carried out. Experts from the Judicial Police, Dijín, under the direction of the Military and Police Criminal Justice Prosecutor’s Office, will examine not only the Galán building, but also key areas of the Casa de Nariño. This includes the control camera management area, the anticipatory offices that coordinate the security of President Gustavo Petro, and the office of Colonel Carlos Feria, head of security.

Caracol Radio reported that the diligence is being recorded with a drone, which has the ability to record and transmit images in real time. The Casa de Nariño has not imposed restrictions on this activity.

Evolution of the case for the attacks on Marelbys Meza

On April 22, the Prosecutor’s Office decided to maintain the process against Police Major Duván Muñoz in the ordinary justice system. The older man is accused of having intimidated Marelbys during the polygraph test, calling her a thief and claiming that she was being raided, with the goal of getting her to confess about the money supposedly missing from the house of her former boss, Laura Sarabia.

The hearings for Dana Alejandra Canizales, Carlos Andrés Correa, Alfonso Quinchanegua and Jhon Fredi Morales Cárdenas, the police officers involved in the case, are scheduled for July 22, 23 and 24. They must answer for the crimes of ideological falsehood, procedural fraud and illicit violation of communications.

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