Córdoba criticizes the “clamp” of Sa Unió and the opposition to expel him from the Formentera Council

Córdoba criticizes the “clamp” of Sa Unió and the opposition to expel him from the Formentera Council
Córdoba criticizes the “clamp” of Sa Unió and the opposition to expel him from the Formentera Council

Córdoba criticizes the “clamp” of Sa Unió and the opposition to expel him from the Formentera CouncilDC

The president of the Formentera Council, Llorenç Córdobaaccuses the councilors of Sa Unió and the opposition (GxF and PSOE) of make a “tweezer” to expel him from the presidency of the Institution. He considers that in this situation, “citizens have to ask themselves “Why all political groups are interested in ousting the democratically elected president”.


For Córdoba, it is “amazing” that both Sa Unió and the opposition have made a common front against him “when I raised the issue of the specifications for the beach kiosks,” which led them to vote together to award the best-rated options, “despite both internal and external reports that advised against it.” Precisely for this issue, his former colleagues from Sa Unió denounced him last May as the alleged perpetrator of the crimes of “bribery, prevarication, embezzlement of public funds, negotiations prohibited to officials and influence peddling.”

Motion of censure

Regarding the possibility of the motion of censure raised by GxF, together with the PSOE and Compromísthe president assures that, “if the three councilors of this party leave Sa Unió to vote alongside the opposition groups, they will become non-attached councillors, so they will not be able to be councilors of the Government team” , despite the fact that they have already resigned from their positions, except for Artal Mayans.

Córdoba defends itself: «I have shown that I know how to give in and be flexible in a negotiation»and recalls his last proposal in which he accepted the return of José Manuel Alcaraz. But in his opinion, “the councillors of Sa Unió have shown the opposite.”

This coalition of the PP and Compromís flatly rejected the proposals made by the president after GxF’s announcement to propose a motion of censure. Sa Unió reiterated, once again, as it has been doing in recent months, that the only solution to the government crisis that has lasted seven months is the resignation of Córdoba.

hypocritical attitude

Along these lines, the president of the Consell criticizes the “hypocritical attitude” of the councilors of Sa Unió by rejecting his latest proposal, for which he would admit José Manuel Alcaraz to the Government team again, which he claims was the only point that they wanted to discuss in the negotiations a couple of weeks ago. «The only thing they wanted was for Alcaraz to re-enter as councilor, and now that I agree to their only claim for the good of the governance of the Consell, they reject it, like all my previous proposals. This, the only thing he does is to show that Sa Unió only seeks the paralysis of the institution.

Likewise, it indicates that the refusal of all the groups to participate in a Government Board in which all the political parties that have representation in the plenary session are represented, as proposed as a second option, responds solely to their desire to “block the institution and to try to coerce him” to resign from his position.

The president takes the opportunity to make it clear that “I am not going to do it because no reason has yet been put on the table.”

«The people decided that Sa Unió would govern with an absolute majority and that PSOE and GxF would remain in the opposition. “This is the mandate of the people and it is what I, as president, will maintain,” he insists again and again.

Thursday’s plenary session

On the other hand, the PSIB-PSOE executive met last Monday and “agreed to start conversations with GxF to study the possibility of carrying out a motion of censure in the Consell.”

But to clarify any doubts, also They are going to consult external legal services in case it is administratively viable to carry out that motion of censure. They add that If that possibility exists, “they will call an assembly with its members to make the decision»

Besides, the socialist group of Formentera will present this Thursday in the plenary session of the Consell a proposal that calls for the dismissal of the president of the Balearic Parliament, Gabriel le Senne, from Vox“for the attacks he carried out last Tuesday against the socialist deputies Mercedes Garrido and Pilar Costa during the session in which they repealed the Democratic Memory Law.”

The socialists condemn «“the complicit and cowardly attitude” of the Formentera deputy, Llorenç Córdoba, that like Marga Prohens and the entire PP of the islands, “is bowing to Vox’s impositions.” They understand that Córdoba’s abstention in the Parliament when voting “no It is more than an act of cowardice and an insult to the victims, families and general citizens of Formentera». For the PSOE councilor, Rafael Ramírez, “Córdoba’s attempt to justify his abstention is inadmissible and democratic.”

“Córdoba and the PP have abandoned the defense of human rights, they once again assume the postulates of the extreme right, they sell democracy and whitewash the extreme right speech of Vox,” he warns.

The socialists remember that “in these islands, and especially in Formentera, wounds had begun to heal, and now they bleed again with fascist actions like this and the repeal of a law necessary for democracy.”

On the other hand, the socialists regret not presenting more management proposals to the plenary session this Thursday, as usually happens in normal circumstances, because they assure that the institution “is on technical strike and totally paralyzed” after the dissolution of the Board of Directors. Government. They consider that, “first of all, work must be done to unblock this very serious and shameful situation.”


Instead, the socialist group will ask questions and among them they want to know “when the Code of Ethics commission will be convened to analyze the serious institutional crisis that the government team has caused.” He will also address the president to find out “if he considers himself capable of leading the government team and what is the reason for remaining in the presidency if he is not capable of unblocking the institutional crisis situation that we are experiencing.”

They will also be interested in the closure of the Antoni Blanc Sports Center cafeteria; for the improvement actions carried out in La Savina the first year; the lack of blue zone drivers; the president’s meetings with the livestock and fishing sector or if this year it is planned to award and celebrate the ceremony of the Consell’s honorary distinctions.

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