The most recent operation was carried out at the Transport Terminal

The most recent operation was carried out at the Transport Terminal
The most recent operation was carried out at the Transport Terminal

Officials from the Dagma and the Environmental Police carry out an inspection of a specimen of the yellow-fronted parrot, apprehended during a wildlife trafficking control operation at the Cali Transport Terminal.

  • Between 200 and 250 wild animals, as a result of apprehensions, confiscations, voluntary surrenders, seizures and rescues, enter the Paso del Dagma Home monthly. So far in 2024, 1,330 have been evaluated and treated.
  • Buyers of wildlife are exposed to onerous fines and custodial sentences.

Santiago de Cali, June 26, 2024

In ‘Cali, Pacific Capital of Colombia’, venue of the world summit on biodiversity (COP 16), environmental authorities advance and intensify operations to control wildlife trafficking.

Between 200 and 250 wild animals, the result of seizures, confiscations, voluntary deliveries, confiscations and rescues, enter the country every month. Transitional Home of the Administrative Department of Environmental Management (Dagma). This was revealed by Andrés Posada, coordinator of the Center for Attention and Assessment of Wild Fauna and Flora, attached to the environmental authority of Cali.

“At this moment we have 351 wild animals being treated at the Paso Home; We have freed almost 700 and managed to relocate more than 20. People, often out of regret and trying to help an animal, buy wildlife from a trafficker. However, the only thing they are doing is making this wildlife extraction business profitable, affecting many more animals.”Posada contextualized.

During the most recent operation to control wildlife trafficking, carried out in the early hours of Wednesday (06/26/2024) in the Transport Terminal, a yellow-fronted parrot (Amazona ochrocephala) She was apprehended by Environmental Police units and Dagma officials.

According to the first results, obtained through examinations carried out by veterinary technicians and doctors, it is a juvenile specimen that showed low body condition, malnutrition, trimming of its primary and some secondary feathers and deterioration of its tail feathers. The start of his quarantine and the carrying out of clinical laboratory tests were ordered, which will allow the definition of care and recovery protocols, with the aim of reintroducing him to his natural habitat.

“In the development of activities to prevent the trafficking of wild flora and fauna, together with Dagma, more than 70 summons have been imposed on environmental offenders; in addition to the rescue and seizure of 233 species of wild fauna and the seizure of 151 cubic meters of wood”said David Rendón, head of the Environmental Police and Natural Resources.

So far in 2024, they have been evaluated and attended to 1,330 wild animals in it Step Home of the Administrative Department of Environmental Management (Dagma).

I did not forget it!

According to Law 2111 of 2021people who commit the crime of wildlife trafficking, They can receive a prison sentence of 5 to 11 years and financial fines of up to 35,000 current legal monthly minimum wages.

How do I report or make a voluntary delivery of wildlife?

1. Citizens can approach the Step Home of the Dagma, located at 2N Avenue # 36A-40. It operates from Monday to Sunday, 24 hours a day.

2. You can also call the phone 602 524 05 80, extension 3Monday to Friday, from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm

3. They can also be communicated to the WhatsApp line 313 780 75 32 or write to email [email protected].

4. Any impact on natural resources It can also be reported to the cell phone 316 018 60 68of the Environmental Police.

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Dagma faces trafficking in wild animals: this week 85 specimens were returned to their natural habitat

Harvey Núñez Booksellers

Dagma Communications Department

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