The case for Diamante’s patricide is on its way to trial

The case for Diamante’s patricide is on its way to trial
The case for Diamante’s patricide is on its way to trial

The main accused is Daniel Rojas, 37 years old and former prefect, to whom the Diamante Prosecutor’s Office blames the authorship of the double homicide aggravated by the link. The motive was to get money that his parents had. While, Flavia Rodríguez, his 47-year-old partner, is charged as co-author. The first is detained with preventive detention in Penal Unit No. 1 of Paraná; while the second awaits the progress of the process in Penal Unit No. 5 for women.

This Wednesday, in an appeal hearing for Rodríguez’s preventive detention, prosecutor Gilberto Robledo confirmed that the preparatory criminal investigation has been concluded. “The investigation has concluded and we are working on bringing the case to trial”he said before Judge Juan Malvasio, who minutes later confirmed Rodríguez’s preventive detention.


Position of the defense and the prosecution

Today’s hearing was held in response to the appeal filed by lawyer Gilberto Matías De Vecchio, Rodríguez’s defender. The lawyer questioned the resolution of the Diamante Guarantees judge, who on June 13 extended the pretrial detention of her client in the Criminal Unit for a period of 60 days.

The defender requested Rodríguez’s freedom or house arrest with electronic anklet monitoring. He argued that the woman is the mother of seven children and that the youngest, 15 years old, needs her care. He also maintained that she has roots in Diamante and that there is no risk of flight or hindering the investigation.

“There is no risk of flight or obstruction of the case. Rodríguez has no financial means and has strong ties to Diamante. The witnesses have been able to testify at liberty”he stressed.

“The reality is that the rule in these cases has to be the freedom of the defendant. In the previous hearing I requested house arrest in the town of Diamante, with an electronic anklet. The court did not explain what risk a house arrest with “electronic anklet”he said.

For his part, prosecutor Robledo requested the rejection of the proposal and stressed that there are latent procedural risks. Firstly, he stated that a 13-year-old girl, granddaughter of the murdered couple, had not yet been able to testify in the Gesell Chamber about what she saw that day. He stated that a psychologist recommended waiting longer for that instance. He also pointed out the possibility of escape of the accused. “They had planned to go to Paraguay, where Rojas lived and has an acquaintance”said the prosecutor.


READ MORE: Patricide in Diamante: a man and his partner are arrested

A crime in front of a girl

At another point in his presentation, the prosecutor said that there are 28 testimonies in the case and that a witness located the couple near the victims’ house prior to the incident. “Mr. Rojas had a key to his parents’ property. They entered the house and committed the act. The granddaughter of the couple and the niece of the accused Rojas were there. She has not been able to testify in the Gesell Chamber. Then there is a friend who She lives around the corner from the house. Upon entering the place, Mr. Rojas (the victim), still alive, tells her to take her granddaughter out. The young woman leaves in her nightgown around the corner from the house. She calls the police. When the police come, the first cell phone arrives and sees that Mrs. Rodríguez and Mr. Rojas (h) were walking at a distance of 70 meters. On the way, they discarded clothes with blood stains, a key and a key. “There they are detained. A second cell phone arrived and the staff entered the property.”he detailed.

Immediately, he stressed that the crime was “practically in flagrante delicto” and that “both have tried to flee the scene and get rid of all the elements with which they committed the act.” “They kill the homeowners in their underclothes, that is, they caught them sleeping and killed them. Then they fled”he added.

Regarding Rodríguez’s role in the double homicide, the prosecutor explained: “Mrs. Rodríguez is located at the scene. She had an active participation by omission: she did not leave the scene and she did not persuade Mr. Rojas not to commit the act. On the contrary, she accompanied him and even accompanied him in his escape. O That is, she is co-author of the fact that we are investigating here.

At the end of his speech, the prosecutor explained that the investigation is finished: There is a Gesell Chamber that has not been able to organize based on the fact that the minor, who is the granddaughter of the victims, could not testify due to the psychological state in which she was. finds. The treating psychologist advised that she not be exposed to that statement and that it be done later. The case is over; “We are working on elevating the case to trial and that testimony will occur in the debate or at the time when this young woman can face the Gesell Chamber device.”

“I must also say that there is another minor who must be protected. I understand that the conditions are not met for house arrest, much less freedom. We have also had information that the accused had planned, after having committed the act, to reveal themselves. flee to the neighboring Republic of Paraguay, where Mr. Rojas already has an acquaintance and was already residing until last year.”complete.


ONE / Gonzalo Núñez

Judge’s resolution

After hearing the parties, the judge accepted the proposal of the Prosecutor’s Office and considered that there are procedural risks, such as escape or intimidation of witnesses. “The probability of Mrs. Rodríguez’s punishable participation in the incident is proven, prima facie, with the overwhelming evidence that the head of the Public Prosecutor’s Office has mentioned,” he assured.

Finally, he explained that the crime provides for the penalty of life imprisonment and that it must be “inferred that the accused when free can flee” and that “there was a tacit agreement with the consort of the case to flee from Diamante and settle in Paraguay.” “I also warn that the danger of obstruction is latent because there are 28 witnesses who are going to have to testify at the trial and in a city like Diamante it is very likely that they will feel intimidated with the defendant at large”he finished.

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