“Now it’s unplayable”, faulty update ruins PlayStation exclusive

“Now it’s unplayable”, faulty update ruins PlayStation exclusive
“Now it’s unplayable”, faulty update ruins PlayStation exclusive

The goal of updates is to improve and introduce interesting new features to the games; However, sometimes their effect is the opposite and they end up ruining the titles with unexpected errors and various problems. This precisely has just happened with an exclusive highlight of PlayStation.

Sucker Punch recently released update 2.19 for Ghost of Tsushima. Their goal was to enable cross-play and thus have everything ready for the game’s release on PC. However, the update generated several problems in the title and its fans assure that it is now unplayable.

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Update makes Ghost of Tsushima be unplayable

Ghost of Tsushima suffers with update 2.19

Update 2.19 introduced initial support for cross-play between PlayStation and PC for Legends. Likewise, he fixed some bugs related to said game mode. However, not everything went as planned, as it generated annoying errors that made it difficult to enjoy the title.

According to various players, the update causes the game freezes and also causes stuttering, which causes the frame rate to drop drastically on several occasions. This makes it very difficult to enjoy the title, its combat and its exploration.

As expected, players are upset, because now they cannot enjoy the title as they should in PlayStation 5 nor in Playstation 4, since the problems affect users of both consoles. The community raised its voice on social networks and shared various videos that show the problems in action. The players asked Sucker Punch for a quick solution, since it is very difficult to play after the update.

Fortunately, the studio is aware of this and is already working on a solution. It is expected that a patch will be released to eliminate the inconveniences; However, for now it is not known when this will occur.

In case you missed it: “It’s a betrayal,” fans criticize PlayStation for carrying Ghost of Tsushima to PC

On this page you can read all the news related to Ghost of Tsushima.

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