Alberto Fujimori is in the ICU after a severe fall at home

Alberto Fujimori is in the ICU after a severe fall at home
Alberto Fujimori is in the ICU after a severe fall at home

Alberto Fujimori recently joined Fuerza Popular – Credits: Agencia Andina.

Alberto Fujimori He is hospitalized in a local clinic after he suffered a hip fracture after falling at home, this was announced by his daughter Keiko Fujimori, through a publication on X (ex Twitter).

According to the leader of Popular Force, the fall occurred in the former president’s room during the early hours of Wednesday, June 26. After the incident, his father was immediately taken to the health center to receive medical attention.

The former congresswoman reported that her father is currently in the intensive care unit. In addition, she reported that doctors are evaluating him and thus determining the next steps in her treatment.

“We are waiting for the results of all the tests that the doctors have been performing,” said Keiko Fujimori, through her social network.

It is worth mentioning that last Monday the judge of the Supreme Court of Justice of Chile, Andrea Muñoz Sánchez, ruled in the first instance to extend the extradition of the former president for forced sterilizations and four other cases related to human rights violations that occurred during his regime. .

Cases against humanity against Alberto Fujimori could be reactivated in the Peruvian justice system if the ruling in the first instance in Chile is corroborated. Infobae composition.
Cases against humanity against Alberto Fujimori could be reactivated in the Peruvian justice system if the ruling in the first instance in Chile is corroborated. Infobae composition.

In her ruling, the judge determined that the five accepted cases meet the requirements to proceed, since they are contemplated both in the treaty signed between Chile and Peru and in the international conventions of Belém do Pará, Cedaw and the Rome Statute, among others.

In January of this year, the Supreme Prosecutor’s Office of this country ruled in favor of applying this measure so that Fujimori can be tried in Peru. According to a document obtained by Infobae Perú, the judge approved expanding the extradition based on the following assumptions:

  • Aggravated kidnapping and qualified homicide of six members of the Ventocilla family (Ventocilla Case).
  • Serious injuries followed by death to the detriment of five women, and serious injuries to more victims (Forced Sterilizations Case).
  • Aggravated kidnapping of Arturo Moreno Alcantara and others (Cabitos Case).
  • Qualified homicide of Nicolás Cruz Sánchez and others (Case of extrajudicial executions during the hostage rescue operation at the Japanese Embassy in Lima).
  • Qualified homicide of Jorge Bardales Rengifo and 39 other people, serious injuries to seven people, (Castro Castro Case).

“These are intolerable behaviors that cannot remain unpunished, but must be investigated, tried and punished, regardless of the time in which they were committed, regardless of whether they were committed, to which international cooperation must contribute, which the institution of extradition is the best example, it is resolved that for the purposes of what is required in the Extradition Treaty that covers the present requirements, and discarding what was postulated by the defense of the requested in this regard, the prescription has not operated of action to prosecute such crimes,” the ruling concludes.

Alberto Fujimori is in intensive care after a serious fall at his residence - Credits: Agencia Andina.
Alberto Fujimori is in intensive care after a serious fall at his residence – Credits: Agencia Andina.

A few days ago, through a video on X, Alberto Fujimori announced his affiliation to the Fuerza Popular party, preparing for the 2026 general elections. “A welcome piece of news for Fujimorism. On Saturday the 15th, my father signed his affiliation form to Fuerza Popular,” said his daughter Keiko.

In an interview with Channel Nthe congressman Alejandro Aguinaga did not rule out the possibility that the former president, convicted of the massacres of Upper Neighborhoods and La Cantuta, run for presidential office. “Your priority is your health, […] but you cannot block his right to run or be in politics,” he stated.

Although no official candidates have yet been confirmed, a survey conducted by Ipsos for América TV indicates that the former head of state is seen as a better candidate than his daughter, the founder of the party.

Journalist César Hildebrandt stated that Fuerza Popular would seek to have Alberto Fujimori as its presidential candidate and his daughter could occupy a vice presidency. (Photo: Composition - Infobae/Renato Silva)
Journalist César Hildebrandt stated that Fuerza Popular would seek to have Alberto Fujimori as its presidential candidate and his daughter could occupy a vice presidency. (Photo: Composition – Infobae/Renato Silva)

However the 73% of the population believes that Fujimori “does not have the right” to participate in the next elections. This negative perception is more marked in the interior regions of the country, where 78% of those surveyed express their rejection, compared to the 65% in Lima.

Alberto Fujimori, 85, was released from Barbadillo prison in Ate on December 7, 2023, after completing the administrative procedures in the National Penitentiary Institute (INPE).

The release occurred two days after the constitutional Court accept a replacement and order the “direct and immediate execution” of the sentence of March 12, 2022, which reestablished the humanitarian pardon granted to the former president in 2017.

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