This is the South American country on the list of 5 places that would be uninhabitable in 2070, according to NASA

This is the South American country on the list of 5 places that would be uninhabitable in 2070, according to NASA
This is the South American country on the list of 5 places that would be uninhabitable in 2070, according to NASA

Climate change is affecting many countries and places in the world, to the point that areas that previously used to have very low climate or temperatures have had to suffer high temperatures and vice versa.

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The concern about what could happen in the future due to climate change and extreme changes in temperature not only worries citizens around the world, but has also put scientists on alert.

It is so much so that the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) has revealed which are the five places that, in the very near future, specifically 2050 or 2070, will not be habitable.

In the study titled “Too Hot to Handle: How Climate Change May Make Some Places Too Hot to Live”the space agency outlines what awaits humanity in the future as a result of extreme changes in temperature.

“As the Earth’s climate warms, heat waves become more frequent and severe. “The health dangers of extreme heat are of increasing concern to scientists and medical experts.”says the report.

NASA noted that in the last 40 years, extreme heat levels have doubled, a trend that is unfortunately expected to continue and even increase over time.

It is because of that Colin Raymondof NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Southern California and author of a 2020 study on extreme heat and humidity published in the journal Science Advance, explained that scientists are evaluating “the potential for heat stress.”

“Heat stress measurements feature prominently in your daily weather report. In addition to the temperature and relative humidity forecasts, you’ll see something called the heat index or apparent temperature.”he added.

However, the most worrying thing about the study is that NASA detected five places that in 2050 or 2070 They could not be habitable due to the extreme levels of heat they would reach.

Many of these places could feature something known as ‘wet bulb’an indicator that measures temperature taking into account the humidity in the environment, in addition to showing the greatest heat and humidity that the human body can withstand.

The most uninhabitable areas in the future, according to NASA, would be:

South Asia: a region that has billions of people and could experience a wet bulb that could exceed 35 degrees Celsius by 2070, extremely dangerous temperatures for humans.

Persian Gulf and the Red Sea: These two places have an extremely high temperature, so it is expected that in the future the heat will increase much more than it already is, however, the most dangerous thing would be the combination of such high temperatures with humidity, turning them into areas uninhabitable by 2050.

Finally, Eastern China, parts of Southeast Asia and, to the surprise of many, Brazil.three places that could face extreme heat conditions that would make them uninhabitable.

Although these are the 5 uninhabitable places in the future, according to NASA, the space agency also noted that “The United States is not immune. Within 50 years, Midwestern states such as Arkansas, Missouri and Iowa will likely reach the critical wet-bulb temperature limit.”

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