Victoria Abril denounces in ‘El Hormiguero’ that there is less and less freedom of expression: “90% of the films I have made could not be made today”

Victoria Abril denounces in ‘El Hormiguero’ that there is less and less freedom of expression: “90% of the films I have made could not be made today”
Victoria Abril denounces in ‘El Hormiguero’ that there is less and less freedom of expression: “90% of the films I have made could not be made today”

Victoria Abril in ‘El Hormiguero’ on June 12, 2024 (ATRESMEDIA)

The actress Victoria Abril has gone to have fun at The Anthill this Wednesday to present his new play jellyfish. A work that will be performed in the next Mérida Classical Theater Festival between the months of July and August. The woman from Malaga explained to Pablo Motos about his new projects, his work routines and, in addition, wanted to give his opinion on new trends in cinema.

“I bring a little Olympic justice with jellyfish. She is a character about whom nothing is known and this is her first work dedicated to her. We are going to present it through the front door, it is a multidisciplinary superproduction at the Gran Teatro de Mérida. Medusa and I have certain parallels. Medusa was a beautiful sixteen-year-old demigoddess who wanted to be a priestess. To understand it well, you have to come see the play, which is like Halley’s Comet, it happens once in a lifetime,” is how the actress explained what this new project she has embarked on consists of.

However, when he started talking about cinema, he did not mince words when giving his opinion. Motos began the interview by asking her for a phrase that defined her career, to which Abril responded with another question: “Do you think I will be able to describe 50 years of career to you in a single sentence? I’ll try. I would describe the first 25 years as auteur cinema, with very little budget but with a lot of talent. Then the cinema abandoned me, like deodorant, and it was my quarantine, the happiest time of my life, I dedicated myself to music and went around the world. Then came French television for ten years, then Covid, a period of hiatus, and now the resurgence with theater.”


The actress of Far Heels He recalled his beginnings in cinema and recalled with Pablo Motos how action films were shot without doubles: “There was nothing like that. in a western Coming towards you, They tied my hands and feet and dragged me with a jeep, as if I were tied to a horse, along the entire beach of Almería. It was the first 3D movie.” He has even told an anecdote, in which Tarantino confessed to him that this was his “favorite movie.”

However, for her since then cinema has changed a lot, so much so that she is even dissatisfied: “90% of the films I have made couldn’t be made today. If I had been born now I’m sure I couldn’t be an actress. We are no longer free, there is no longer auteur cinema, everything is done with algorithms that don’t know anything, they just cut and paste. Movies are slices of sausage, all the same”. And he has confessed that since the Covid-19 pandemic, he has not watched television: “I do not watch television by medical prescription. With Covid, my cortisol increased from watching the news and I almost went crazy, I turned it off and until today I live much happier. I don’t know anything or who my enemies are, I greet you with delight.”

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