Analía Franchín said that her sister has HIV and repudiated Furia’s sayings in Big Brother: “It delays”

Analía Franchín said that her sister has HIV and repudiated Furia’s sayings in Big Brother: “It delays”
Analía Franchín said that her sister has HIV and repudiated Furia’s sayings in Big Brother: “It delays”

Analía Franchín repudiated Furia’s statements and said that her sister suffers from HIV (Telefe)

During the last hours, Juliana Scaglione was harshly questioned following some statements she made within Big Brother (Telefe). Although it is one of the public’s favorites, on this occasion The contestant exceeded the limits of the cycle and several viewers were outraged with her attitude.

It is that the participant made a reprehensible comment in reference to HIV-AIDS patients. His statements within the reality show provoked the anger of the program’s followers and they took it to the networks, where they did not take long to give their opinion on the matter, and even tagged the host of the series. Santiago Del Moro so that the gala addresses the issue in order to raise awareness about the seriousness of the matter. Although this did not happen, where it was addressed was in A la Barbarossa (Telefe) and they did not miss the unfortunate phrase that Furia said.

“I care about the statements that Furia made regarding HIV. She is allowed to say a number of things that are not correct. “You cannot, in 2024, say something like that,” the host of the cycle began by saying, Georgina Barbarossa.

For her part, Analía Franchín added: “It’s up to me personally. My sister has HIV and, thank God, she receives treatment like many HIV patients.”, assured the panelist who was indignant with Juliana: “Fury, delay. I understand that in the ’80s we were afraid to approach a person with AIDS. I was in primary school. But now Fury says ‘what do I have? HIV?’. No”.

Furia’s scandalous comment in Big Brother (Video: Telefe)

“It would be good if they explained to Furia that with a person with HIV you can drink mate, you can sleep, you can have sexual relations, taking care of yourself with adequate prophylaxis. “Heal this woman, please!” Analía insisted, very angry at the participant’s statements.

Meanwhile, Franchín concluded: “She is free to do what she wants, but with these types of things that affect a lot of people who go through this disease, “It would be good if they gave you an explanation,” He remarked not focusing on her but pointing to her sayings: “And what I say is not to condemn her. But one cannot say ‘what do I have HIV?’, as if it were an insult.”closed the communicator.

It should be noted that in addition to the Telefe panelist, from the official account of Guest Foundation They published a thread referring to the topic. ”Hey, they were asking us to release data on #HIV. It is always a good opportunity to learn: Reliable, evidence-based information can help us break down prejudice and stigmatization. Here we leave you some key data to take into account,” they began by saying following Furia’s statements within the reality show.

The statement from Fundación Huésped for Fury’s comments in Big Brother (Source: X)

HIV has no symptoms. Nor can we assume that someone has or does not have HIV based on their physical appearance or sexual orientation. The only way to know if a person lives with the virus is to take a test. AND Only the person living with HIV can tell it. It is also important to know that HIV is only transmitted in 3 ways: through unprotected sexual relations, through blood-to-blood contact, or during pregnancy, childbirth, or breastfeeding. And they are all preventable“, they detailed.

In that sense, the foundation added: “So: having sexual relations using a condom, a sneeze, a hug, a kiss, a mosquito bite, sharing a towel or the bathroom do not transmit the virus,” they explained and added: “An HIV diagnosis does not define you. A person who lives with the virus and accesses treatment can have good quality and turn HIV into a chronic disease. We are always here to answer all the questions that may arise.. If you want to know more, you can follow us on social networks, contact us or visit our website,” they concluded.

The unfortunate phrase occurred in the last hours when Furia, in dialogue with Emmanuel Vich, He referred Maria, Martín Kú’s girlfriend with whom he forged a bad relationship during the few days he entered the reality show to support his partner.”Tintu is a great actress. Coy, I realized, I know you couldn’t talk to me but I realized how she treated you and that you couldn’t even see me, ” The participant began by also sending a message to her sister who entered the competition and then withdrew.

“He couldn’t even see me. Do you know what it feels like when someone is envious and angry with you? She connected with the whole house but not with me,” continued the participant who went for more and launched the questioned comment which caused a lot of repudiation on social networks. “What do I have, HIV (AIDS)? Do I smell like shit? What do I have?” Juliana concluded.

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