The German far-right achieves a great result in the European elections

The German far-right achieves a great result in the European elections
The German far-right achieves a great result in the European elections

The co-leaders of the far-right party Alternative for Germany (AfD), Tino Chrupalla and Alice Weidel, today celebrated as a “great result” the second place that the force would have achieved in the european elections this Sunday, according to two exit polls.

“We are the second force (in the entire country) and the first in the east!” Weidel exclaimed euphorically after giving the polls carried out by Forschungsgruppe Wahlen and infratest dimap between 16.0% and 16.5% to this force , ahead of the Social Democrats of Chancellor Olaf Scholz, and behind the Christian Democrats.

In turn, Chrupalla pointed out on the second public channel, ZDF, that the party has “achieved a great result” and “the voters have been loyal to us, even in recent months”, despite the scandals and massive demonstrations in the German streets against far right.

With this “record result, we naturally also have a tailwind for our negotiations” with other forces when it comes to forming a group in the new European Parliament, he stressed.

“We have a considerable size as a delegation. They will need us to do politics against the erroneous policies of (the European People’s Party candidate for a second term at the head of the European Commission), Ursula von der Leyen,” he said.

The group of far right in the European Parliament, Identity and Democracy (ID), decided at the end of May to expel the entire AfD delegation due to the scandals in which the head of this party’s list for the European elections has been involved, Maximilian Krah.

After the head of the list German far right affirmed that in the Nazi organization SS “not everyone was criminal”, the National Rally (RN) of the French Marine Le Pen and the League of the Italian deputy prime minister Matteo Salvini distanced themselves and affirmed that they will not share a parliamentary group with them in the European Parliament again. .

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