Poll gives advantage to Frente Amplio for elections in Uruguay – Radio Florida de Cuba

Poll gives advantage to Frente Amplio for elections in Uruguay – Radio Florida de Cuba
Poll gives advantage to Frente Amplio for elections in Uruguay – Radio Florida de Cuba

Montevideo, June 20.- A survey by the digital media Montevideo Portal today places the Broad Front (FA) as the winner in the first round in next October’s elections in Uruguay.

Although the source considers that the sample is not representative, he affirms that the FA would prevail in the initial stage with 50.55 percent of the votes.

This figure far exceeds the vote obtained by the Front in October 2019, when it obtained 39.01 percent.

According to the results obtained in the most recent poll, the Frente Amplio would exceed half of the votes and would prevail in the first round with a parliamentary majority, without the need to compete in a ballot with the second most voted party.

In that second step is the National Party, with 21.04 percent, ahead of the Colorado Party, which fell from 13.98 achieved in May and now stood at 11.32 percent.

Followed by the Independent Party (2.51 percent) and Cabildo Abierto (2.37).

The parties that make up the government coalition total 37.54 percent, a figure below the 41.51 achieved in the previous survey.

The Montevideo Portal measurement is the one that until now had the greatest difference between the option of the left and the parties that make an official alliance today.

Taken from Prensa Latina

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