The three secrets to lasting happiness, according to Harvard

What the proposal basically proposes is to base happiness on three simple aspects: enjoyment, satisfaction and purpose.

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All people seek happiness in different ways. But there are three unavoidable keys, according to Harvard.

Three keys to lasting happiness, according to Harvard

  • Enjoyment: refers to the ability to find pleasure in everyday experiences. It’s about savoring the little moments that life gives us, like spending time with our loved ones, enjoying a good book, walking through nature or simply watching a sunset. To cultivate enjoyment, it is important to develop our mindfulness. This involves paying attention to the present without judgment or too much analysis, allowing us to connect with our sensations and emotions.
  • Satisfaction: It is related to the feeling of achievement we experience when achieving our goals, no matter how small they may be. The idea is to set challenging but achievable goals and dedicate our effort and energy to achieving them. To achieve satisfaction, it is essential to define what really matters to us in life and establish goals aligned with our values. Of course, it is important to celebrate our achievements, no matter how small, as this motivates us to keep going.
  • Purpose: find meaning in life. It refers to the feeling that our life has meaning beyond ourselves. It’s about finding something that motivates us to get up every morning and that makes us feel like we are contributing to something bigger. If we want to discover our purpose, we can explore our passions, values ​​and interests. We can also reflect on the experiences that have marked us and that have made us feel fulfilled.

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Enjoy, one of the keys to happiness according to Harvard. It refers to the ability to find pleasure in everyday experiences.

Other tips to achieve lasting happiness

Beyond the fact that the three pillars are fundamental to building lasting happiness, there are other aspects that we must also take into account:

  • Cultivate positive relationships: Solid relationships with family, friends and partners are a source of great happiness.
  • Practice gratitude: Focusing on the good things in our lives, even during difficult times, helps us maintain a positive outlook.
  • Help others: Not only does it benefit those around us, but it also makes us feel happier and more fulfilled.
  • Take care of our physical and mental health: Good nutrition, regular exercise and adequate sleep are essential for our general well-being.
  • Learn to manage stress: Stress is an inevitable part of life, but we can learn to manage it in a healthy way so that it does not affect our happiness.

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Finding lasting happiness is a journey, not a destination. It requires effort, dedication and a positive attitude. However, the benefits are invaluable: a fuller, more meaningful and satisfying life.

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