Macron in seduction mode, although without apparent effect – Radio Florida de Cuba

Macron in seduction mode, although without apparent effect – Radio Florida de Cuba
Macron in seduction mode, although without apparent effect – Radio Florida de Cuba

Paris, June 25 (Prensa Latina) With the French ruling party on the ropes ahead of Sunday’s legislative elections, President Emmanuel Macron activated seduction mode to aspire to an epic comeback that the polls seem to bury.

Just five days before early elections conceived by the president to overcome the prevailing political crisis, everything indicates that the outlook after July 7, the date of the second round, will be even more uncertain for a head of state who hand in hand of the conflicts in Ukraine and the Middle East he sought to establish himself as the main European leader.

These days the hypothesis of his resignation with almost three years of government still ahead of him is even being considered in the media and social networks, a scenario that the head of the Elysée emphatically rules out.

At the weekend, Macron sent a letter to the French, published in the regional press, with a desperate call to vote for his camp in the legislative elections he called after dissolving the National Assembly on June 9, in reaction to the large victory of that day of the far-right party National Rally (RN) in the Europeans.

Our proposal is the best for the country, the one that protects the French and prepares them for the future; It is the only one that can confront the extremes, from the right and the left, he alleged in his letter.

The day before, the president went even further in a podcast, saying that extremes could lead to a civil war, a goal harshly criticized by the opposition, which accused him of playing the fear card to reverse a result that poll after poll tends to be confirmed.

All polls give an advantage to RN, with at least a third of voting intentions, despite the concerns that half of the electorate expresses regarding the eventual coming to power of the extreme right, with a program labeled by many as racist, anti -immigrant and retrograde, although many also see it as a solution to ills.

Behind the political force led by Marine Le Pen, opinion studies place the left-wing Popular Front bloc (27-29 percent), made up of socialists, rebels, communists and environmentalists, while the ruling Renaissance party and its allies are relegated. (twenty).

The battle is posed by the absolute majority in the National Assembly, at least 289 of its 577 deputies, since the republican tradition indicates that its holder must have the position of prime minister.

Therefore, it is not difficult to understand Macron’s crusade and his efforts to attract voters, since a victory for the RN or the Popular Front would impose a very uncomfortable and very rare cohabitation in power since 1968, when the Fifth began on French soil. Republic.

Projections suggest that the extreme right will almost reach an absolute majority, almost tripling its seats in relation to the dissolved legislature, going from 89 to 260 or 280 deputies.

Even a relative majority would be very problematic for the ruling party, which according to polls would be left with barely a hundred seats out of the 260 it had, exposing Macron to motions of censure that would relatively easily overthrow the prime minister he appoints.

The head of state’s comment on the civil war sparked controversy last night, and on Tuesday morning Le Pen, his rival in the runoff of the last two presidential elections (2017 and 2022), described it as not very credible.

The far-right candidate for prime minister, Jordan Bardella, also criticized those words, after warning that a president of the Republic should not say what he said.

For his part, the leader of France Insoumise, Jean-Luc Mélenchon, accused the president of always being ready to “create fires,” and the first secretary of the socialists, Olivier Faure, stated that it is unforgivable for the president to put in a same bag on the extreme right and left.

We defend an ecological and social Republic, while the extreme right wants to review fundamental principles such as the right to land (access to French nationality for children of foreigners who are born in French territory), said Faure.

Tense days loom, with the worst part for Macron, if the polls, to which almost 50 million French people are called, confirm the poll numbers.

Taken from Prensa Latina

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