Chilean commemorates Salvador Allende’s birthday

Chilean commemorates Salvador Allende’s birthday
Chilean commemorates Salvador Allende’s birthday

Santiago de Chile, June 26.— With various events, Chileans will pay tribute today to the president of the Popular Unity government, Salvador Allende, on the 116th anniversary of his birth.

For this Wednesday, a walk is planned from La Alameda Avenue and Morandé Street to the Plaza de la Constitución, where floral offerings will be placed at the foot of the statue erected in honor of the former president.

Graduated as a surgeon from the University of Chile, Allende became involved in politics from a very young age and participated in the founding of the Socialist Party in 1933.

Before turning 30, he was elected deputy for Valparaíso and Quillota, he served as Minister of Health, Welfare and Social Assistance in the government of Pedro Aguirre Cerda and from 1945 to 1970 he held seats as senator.

Allende was a candidate for the presidency of the Republic on four occasions: 1952, 1958, 1964 and 1970.

In these last elections, Jorge Alessandri won with 36 percent of the votes, compared to 34.9 for his opponent, and since he did not obtain an absolute majority, it had to be ratified by the National Congress.

During his years in government (1970-1973), he nationalized copper, the country’s main resource, deepened the agrarian reform process and carried out popular benefit programs such as half a liter of milk for children and vacation plans for workers. .

The Popular Unity government was overthrown by the coup d’état of September 11, 1973, led by Augusto Pinochet, which gave way to a 17-year dictatorship during which more than 40,000 crimes against humanity were committed, including torture, murders and disappearances.

To pay tribute to Allende and remember his legacy, fishermen and residents of the commune of Algarrobo, in the Fifth Region, called for an event at noon.

Meanwhile, in this capital, a tribute will take place at the monument to the late president, erected in the commune of San Joaquín.

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