Collection of books to celebrate the centenary of José Eustasio Rivera’s book

One hundred years have passed since the publication of La Vorágine, by the Colombian author José Eustasio Riveraa centenary that is being celebrated within the framework of the Bogotá International Book Fair – FILBo 2024.

The collection, made up of a new edition of La vorágine and 9 other books, will be in 1,560 public libraries and 630 rural libraries, but it can also be consulted digitally and completely free of charge at this link: /libraryvoragine

1. The Voragine, José Eustasio Rivera

With Bogotá behind them, the self-exiled Arturo and his companion in misfortune, Alicia, venture towards the Llanos in an attempt to free the young woman from a forced marriage.

2. Holocaust in the Amazon. A social history of Casa Arana, by Roberto Pineda Camacho

It gives an account of the enslaving practices that indigenous people suffered during the extractive boom in the Colombian, Peruvian and Brazilian Amazon. It is the result of thirty years of research, the deception to which the indigenous peoples were subjected, their slavery, their displacement, their murder, as well as their resistance.

3. Historical roots of La Vorágine, by Vicente Pérez Silva

It presents the historical, criminal and inhumane facts and episodes committed by the infamous Casa Arana, in the heart of the Amazon jungle, against the rubber tappers, settlers and indigenous tribes of Caquetá and Putumayo.

4. The story of José Eustasio Rivera, by Isaías Peña Gutiérrez

In this book, the author’s life is narrated clearly and fluidly: his childhood, the jungles, the literary salons and his death.

This Vorágine Library seeks to contribute to the dialogue on the horizons that an immense book opens for us in our history, ranging from the historical, political and social level, to the aesthetic and literary level,” explains the Minister of Cultures, Juan David Correa. | Photo: National Library of Colombia

5. History of Orocué, by Roberto Franco García

It describes the origin and development of the town of Orocué, an account of the religious missions, the founding of the port, steam navigation on the Meta River, the stay of José Eustasio Rivera and the famous Llano War.

This book is a study of the history of Orocué, from pre-Hispanic times to the present. | Photo: Special for El País

6. The hells of Hierarch Brown followed by Noise and desolation, by Pedro Gómez Valderrama

The Voragine Collection
What John finds, almost from his arrival, is a journey through discrimination, slavery and all forms of human misery together in the middle of that green hell, the scene of the rubber fever at the beginning of the 20th century. | Photo: Special for El País

7. A cosmopolitan tribe. Memory of the People of the Center, edition and compilation by Marcela Quiroga and María Angélica Pumarejo

This work is a compilation of testimonies from the indigenous peoples who suffered the rubber holocaust, at the end of the 19th century and beginning of the 20th century.

8. Vast solitudes. Anthology of travelers in the times of La vorágine, edition and compilation by Carlos Guillermo Páramo

Various first-hand descriptions of the Eastern Plains, the Amazon and the Orinoquia between 1880 and 1920. It brings together reports from travelers, government delegates, missionaries, rubber agents, journalists and adventurers, Colombians and foreigners, as part of that kind of “cosmopolitan tribe.” ” that José Eustasio Rivera wanted to portray.

9. Women facing the Amazon maelstrom, edition and compilation by Daniella Sánchez Russo and Laura Victoria Nava

First compilation exclusively written by women who have studied The Voragine and the Rubber Holocaust in depth, from a variety of interpretive perspectives.

10. Anastasia Candré. Amazonian polyphony for the world, edition and compilation by Juan Carlos Flórez

Anastasia Candre, daughter of an Ocaina father and a Uitoto-Murui mother, belonged to people who suffered from the rubber genocide and who made a gigantic effort to survive and rebuild their lives after the years of unbridled terror.

The Voragine Collection
This book collects Anastasia’s writings, the main one of them unpublished until today, and is, in the words of its compiler, both a tribute and a reparation for a woman who was a poet, artist and student of her own culture. | Photo: Special for El País
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NEXT The book that Liliana Bodoc had published before she died and not even her children knew