The surprising investments and businesses of Manuel Carrasco, businessman as well as artist

The surprising investments and businesses of Manuel Carrasco, businessman as well as artist
The surprising investments and businesses of Manuel Carrasco, businessman as well as artist

If there is a singer who has caused a sensation in Cannes, it has been Manuel Carrasco, with a look very different from what we are used to, gelled hair, perfectly groomed beard, impeccable suit jacket, dark sunglasses, and his brand new wife. , the journalist Almudena Navalón, hand in hand, paraded down the red carpet in Cannes, arousing the interest of all those present. And, as a general rule, Manuel is someone very natural, with a sporty style, his curls in the air and his guitar in his hand.

But in life there are times for everything, even to stop thinking about melodies for a moment and become a successful businessman by investing today’s success in a good future for tomorrow. And that’s what the Huelva native has been busy with in recent months. Although in 2018 he started his first project, an online store that was first about sneakers and then about jewelry. It was something that on paper belongs only to him, but whose administration has always been carried out by Almudena, who was also the visible face of the brand.

The businesses of Manuel Carrasco and Almudena Navalón

Nowadays it is no longer possible to buy Denis Marlon brand sneakers, but it is possible to buy jewelry, although the truth is that neither the websites nor the profiles on networks have been updated since 2023. Something that may be justified after closing the 2022 financial year in negative numbers, which is obviously not good news for any businessman. They managed this adventure through Denis Marlon SL, dedicated to “wholesale and retail trade, commercial distribution, import and export of footwear and activities related to the design, creation and manufacture of fashion and accessories.”

In 2020, Manuel registered another company, Alma de Feria SL, to manage everything related to his music. Its corporate purpose is “the carrying out of activities related to the world of artists, shows and entertainment, the management of collection of royalties, fees or any other type of remuneration related to the hiring or rights of artists and their promotion, representation and management.” He is the sole administrator and shareholder and has not yet presented accounts.

But it has been expanding its business portfolio. Last July, Anclado en Tierra SL became a reality, an entity “for the purchase, sale and rental of urban and, where appropriate, rural real estate. “the development of the activity of acquisition and sale of real estate, rural and/or urban, for rent, sale or construction, either directly or through intermediation.” On this occasion, it has two other partners to manage the business, in which they have initially invested 120,000 euros, a figure much higher than the 3,000 euros required to operate.

And it has not stopped there, just a few months later, in September 2023 and again alone, he registered Capeando la Mar SL, a holding company with which to reorganize the rest of the companies and above all with which to make investments in others. Its objective is classified as follows: “the acquisition, possession, enjoyment, administration and disposal of securities and any type of securities and financial assets, being able, in general, to carry out all types of activities”, for now, only its name appears in This adventure, which seems to be definitive proof that Manuel is putting his assets in order.

All this is proof that the singer is doing better than well, even if the online store has not done as well as he expected, you just have to see that a few hours after announcing each concert date, the tickets are sold out, and that translates in sufficient profits to make new investments that will ensure both him and his family a more than relaxed economic future.

The musical success of Manuel Carrasco

Manuel has gone little by little, very calmly, his career began more than twenty years ago and he has never rushed, his music has always been slow and he has managed to keep the attention of his fans every time he has released an album. And his other priorities have always been his family, he married Almudena in 2018, after his first daughter was born in 2017, and in 2020 they expanded the family with a new baby.

Especially in her profile, because he is much more discreet when it comes to his private life, you can easily see that they are a very united family and that in addition to enjoying professional success, they are very dedicated to raising their children. children, with whom they travel everywhere and with whom they enjoy every moment, which is also reflected in the artist’s lyrics, which are one of the keys to his music always reaching the hearts of his fans and those who are not. so much.

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