DJ Méndez told an anecdote about how he found out he would be a grandfather

DJ Méndez told an anecdote about how he found out he would be a grandfather
DJ Méndez told an anecdote about how he found out he would be a grandfather

DJ Méndez estará este domingo invitado a Podemos Hablar, donde entregará detalles de su nueva faceta de vida como abuelo, luego de que su hija mayor, Steffi, se convirtiera en madre.

Fue en abril pasado cuando la joven confirmó que estaba embarazada, luego de varios meses de gestación, un proceso que no quiso hacer público para disfrutarlo en privado con sus seres queridos.

De esta forma, el bebé llegó a la vida de Los Méndez a inicios de mayo, por lo que se trata de una nueva etapa familiar para el artista.

Consultado sobre si esperaba convertirse en abuelo, DJ Méndez sostuvo que “la verdad es que no. De muy joven quería ser papá de los 16 años, siempre quise ser papá, es algo que yo siento en el alma, me gusta, amo ser, pero ser abuelo, la verdad es que no”.

“Yo pensé que mi vida se iba a acabar en muy temprana edad, por ciertas cosas que estaban pasando en mi vida desde muy joven, entonces no vi que fuese ser algo real en mi vida, pensaba muy negativo”.

And I add: “But being a real grandpa is like wow! I was shocked and if I remember correctly, I was the first person who knew, Steffi told me first.”

DJ Méndez contó cómo se enteró del embarazo de Steffi

In that context, Lady’s interpreter provided details of how he found out about Steffi Méndez’s pregnancy, after she was visiting Chile after settling in Sweden.

According to DJ Méndez’s story, Everything happened while he was changing his clothes and the young woman approached him to tell him the news..

“She came almost crying, nervous, and I asked her: ‘Did something happen?’ I know how to tell you, I’m pregnant,'” she said.

Given this, the singer assured that he was going to jump for happiness, considering that his daughter is already 28 years old, “I said perfect, but she was crying with nerves, because she didn’t know, she came to Chile without knowing that she was pregnant, until she faints at a friend’s house and is taken to the emergency room.

Later, DJ Méndez said that Steffi was nervous because her partner did not know about the situation, a fact that made her very nervous, so he advised her to tell him despite the distance.

“It took a couple of hours, I invited her to go out to eat with my partner, she relaxed a little and had to call him, because she wanted to wait to get to Sweden and “I told him that maybe it’s not what you want when you receive news like that, but it’s something important.”he recalled.

Finally, at her father’s words, Steffi Méndez decided to call her baby’s father, who reacted happily to the news. “Afterwards everything was fine, everyone was happy, we were all moving from house to something bigger, because a new member arrived,” the interpreter concluded.

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