When did you decide, sad faces and wig?

The return of Kate Middleton to the social events has been quite a surprise. The Princess of Wales was not expected to make the decision to appear in public so so early. Especially because, in recent months, those around Kate herself have insisted that she was taking your recovery calmly and that, therefore, it was not among his plans to appear before the media again. Even so, his return was confirmed last Friday and his presence was the most talked about during the Trooping the Color parade. The truth is that this is about one of the most important events for the British Royal Family because the birthday of King Charles III is celebrated and Catalina did not miss her appointment.

Prince William’s wife made her first appearance arriving by car with her husband and children at Buckingham Palace. Yes, it is true that, in those first images, she could be seen a sadder Kate Middleton, with a situational face and, probably, nervous. Next to her, as we said, were George, Charlotte and Louis. It was the latter who became one of the absolute protagonists of the event -with forgiveness from his mother-. Thus, after getting out of the car, the Princess and her three children got into a carriage, as tradition dictates, where we were able to see one of her characteristic smiles.

Thinner, with Louis as the protagonist and a sad face

Kate Middleton regained her smile. Gtres

To enjoy it we had to wait a few minutes. The cameras captured images of Kate getting out of the carriage, which showed that she was in good shape although visibly thinner. After getting out of the carriage, both Kate and her children headed to the balcony of the Guard’s Parade, which is intended for those guests who want to witness the spectacular parade up close. What’s more, this one starred Prince William and, also, his aunt Anne, who got on horses under Kate’s watchful eye. It was there when little Louis showed that he is still a nice child, with a lot of character and outgoing.

That is why, on different occasions, he showed his angry faces with the situation he was experiencing and even boredom. Furthermore, he also danced to the music. Next to him were his brothers who tried to get Louis to continue with the protocol marked, telling him how he had to behave. Some advice that they continued to give him, even when the whole family looked out on the balcony of the Palace. It is true that what has attracted the most attention has been Kate’s fortitude, taking into account the moment of health she is going through. Even so, the cameras did capture that, when the parade ended, the woman retreated to the background, resting in a chair.

When was the princess’s return decided?

A gesture that shows that, although he has given everything, it has not been easy. The truth is that, as Jose Moreno has commented, through social networks, Kate’s return has been decided taking into account the present of her situation. In the statement that was made public on Friday, she herself expressed that she had better days and worse days. That is why her presence was not confirmed until just the day before because It depended on how the Princess was feeling.. Even so, from the communication department of the Royal House, they knew that Kate’s reappearance could be a reality, so they left everything prepared in case this definitely occurred.

Prince Louis was another of the protagonists. Gtres

That is why he will take his future calmly. Most likely, his appearances are few and only occur in those most important and representative moments for the Crown. In addition to her state of health, Kate knows perfectly well that her eyes are also on His physical appearance. As we have already mentioned, the only change that has been noticed has been a small physical difference. Still, from the program Partyit has been noted that the Princess of Wales wore, for the event, a wig. What’s more, it was said that he had several in his closet, as well as extensions. An extreme that would be related to the version that was given that Catalina had donated part of her hair to an NGO.

What will be the future of Kate Middleton

Leaving aside his physical appearance, what has attracted the most attention has been the different gestures that have occurred on the balcony of Buckingham Palace. The truth is that, from public opinion, some gesture of affection was expected from King Charles, who is suffering from the same illness as the Princess of Wales. He only saw a very good connection between Catalina and her husband, who carried out countless gestures of complicity and smiles. Even so, as we said, the spotlight went to both the Princess and her son Louis, who did not stop showing her true personality.

Kate Middleton at the parade. Gtres

Once the greeting from the balcony was over, the entire Royal Family retired to the background. It is not known when Kate’s next reappearance will be, although, as we have seen, it will probably be closely related to her state of health. For now, as they have communicated from Kensington, progressing favorably in his recovery. Although yes, it seems that, unlike her father-in-law, King Charles, she will still continue with her retirement at Adelaide Cottage, where she, yes, she continues to work, but she has wanted to reduce all appearances public of her.

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