Kathy Orellana revealed details of her current relationship with her son: “We live alone”

Kathy Orellana revealed details of her current relationship with her son: “We live alone”
Kathy Orellana revealed details of her current relationship with her son: “We live alone”

After losing custody of her son in the midst of her fight against her addictions, the singer Katherine Orellana he was sincere and He revealed details about his current relationship with the little one.

It is worth remembering that a few months ago, The former contestant of Rojo excited everyone by sharing on social media a special moment she experienced with her son, Facundo.

Kathy said on that occasion that she attended the wedding of some friends, accompanied by her son. “What has me enormously in love and full of admiration is that today I can live it with my son Facundo and in total lucidity, see his face, laugh together, talk about things that are about mother and son, they are priceless.“he wrote on his Instagram account.

“I thank my God for showing me genuine love and without asking for anything in return, other than having us happy together, loving each other at every moment. I love you son of my life, thank you for being so unique and teaching me what is important. I learn day by day from you. my son, for teaching me that having each other is the most important thing”he added.

“There is less and less left”

In a conversation with Page 7Kathy revealed that she is currently in the process of regaining custody of her little one.

I am living with my son, but I am still in a court process to regain custody of him.“, he told the media.

Along the same lines, the singer explained that “we are fine” and pointed out that “There is less and less left, we both live alone, but in a study process to see if I am competent as a mother”.

Thank God it has flowed in favor of the relationship I have with my son today.”, expressed Orellana.

On the other hand, he also reported that he is with his mother at home these days. It is worth remembering that The woman suffered a stroke and had to undergo a complex operationso after the rains, Kathy convinced her to go home.

Despite this, he revealed that his mother is “progressing.”After the stroke she was bedridden, then she used a wheelchair, then a kinesiologist and now she walks with a donkey. Will soon use canes“, Orellana explained.

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