Full practice: a path to well-being and happiness

Full practice: a path to well-being and happiness
Full practice: a path to well-being and happiness

In an increasingly accelerated and demanding world, where the mind is constantly bombarded by external stimuli, it is important to find tools that allow us to understand ourselves more and be more in touch with ourselves. Mindfulness allows us to get out of our minds and back into our bodies. Allowing us to return to the present.

Mindfulness not only gives us tools to manage stress and improve well-being, but it also becomes a path to self-discovery and authenticity. Through conscious attention, we can reveal layers of our personality, understand our deepest emotions and thoughtsand connect with our essence.

What is full practice?

Full practice, also known as Mindfulness, consists of train the mind to pay attention to the present moment consciously and without judgment. Is about observe our thoughts, emotions and sensations without clinging to them or getting carried away by them. This practice allows us develop a greater awareness of ourselves and the world around usletting us live with more calm, clarity and wisdom.

How does full practice help us discover ourselves?

  1. Greater self-awareness: By paying attention to the present without judgment, We observe our thoughts, emotions and sensations without getting carried away by them.. This allows us to identify patterns of behavior, understand our reactions to different stimuli, and discover aspects of ourselves that we may not have noticed before.
  2. Understanding emotions: Full practice helps us disengage ourselves from rumination and excessive analysis of our emotions. Instead of judging them, we observe them with kindness and compassion, allowing us to understand its origin and its impact on our lives.
  3. Connection with essence: As we go deeper into full practice, we silence the noisy mind and we connect with our inner self. We discover values, beliefs and desires that perhaps we had forgotten or repressed. This connection allows us live more authentically and aligned with ourselves.
  4. Acceptance and self-compassion: Full practice invites us to accept all parts of ourselvesBoth positive and negative. We develop compassion for our own imperfectionswhich allows us free ourselves from self-criticism and internal judgment.
  5. Freedom to be ourselves: By discovering ourselves through full practice, We gain the freedom to be ourselves without fear of what people will say.. We let go of external expectations and social rolesand we express our true identity with confidence and authenticity.

Mindful practice is not a destination, but a continuous journey of self-discovery. As we move forward on this path, we transform into more conscious, compassionate and authentic peoplecapable of living a full and meaningful life, don’t despair if you don’t get out of one.

Resources to deepen self-discovery with full practice:

  • Vipassana Meditation: This meditation technique focuses on observing the body’s sensations with equanimity, allowing for a deep understanding of the impermanent nature of existence.
  • Mindfulness in nature: Spending time in nature connects us with our inner being and allows us to observe the impermanence and interconnectedness of all things.
  • Reflective writing: Writing about our experiences, thoughts and emotions allows us to process them and discover new perspectives about ourselves.
  • Gratitude diaries: Focusing on the positive things in our lives helps us cultivate an attitude of gratitude and appreciate the beauty of the present.
  • Therapy with a trained professional: A therapist can guide us through the process of self-discovery and provide us with tools to address emotional patterns and limiting beliefs.

How to start practicing mindfulness?

There are various ways to incorporate mindfulness practice into our daily lives. Some simple ideas include:

  • Meditation: Meditation is a traditional Mindfulness technique that consists of focusing attention on breathing or a mantra. There are different types of meditation, so we can find one that suits our needs and preferences.
  • Conscious breathing: At any time of the day, we can take a few minutes to focus on our breathing. Observing the sensation of the air entering and leaving our body helps us anchor ourselves in the present and calm our mind.
  • Mindfulness in everyday activities: We can incorporate mindfulness practice into our daily activities, such as eating, walking, or taking a shower. It is about paying attention to the sensations, sounds and thoughts that arise in each moment without judging them.
  • Mindfulness in nature: Spending time in nature is a great way to connect with the present. We can observe the trees, the flowers, the animals or simply feel the breeze on our skin.

Full practice is a path of self-discovery and personal transformation. It is not about reaching a state of perfection, but about develop a greater awareness of ourselves and the world around us. By incorporating this practice into our daily lives, we can cultivate well-being, happiness and self-actualizationand live a more full and meaningful life.

Resources to deepen your full practice:

There are numerous resources available for those who wish to delve deeper into full practice. Some examples include:

  • Books: “The Power of Now” by Eckhart Tolle, “Sapiens: A Brief History of Humanity” by Yuval Noah Harari, “The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari” by Robin Sharma.
  • Applications: Calm, Headspace, Insight Timer.
  • Online courses: Udemy, Coursera, edX.
  • Mindfulness retreats and workshops: There are various centers and organizations that offer Mindfulness retreats and workshops for all levels.

Mindful practice is a powerful tool that can transform our lives. By dedicating a few minutes a day to this practice, we can cultivate inner peace, happiness and well-beingand live a more full and meaningful life.

*María Constanza Marafuschi is a professor in Biological Sciences at the UNLP, a specialist in Teaching with Images and a teacher of the Master’s Degree in Teaching of Exact and Natural Sciences at the UNLP.

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