Why walking around the block is good for your health

Why walking around the block is good for your health
Why walking around the block is good for your health

Walking at least 30 minutes every day helps fight chronic diseases and improve mood. International studies indicate that walking between 9,000 and 10,000 steps daily reduces the risk of death and cardiovascular diseases – (Illustrative image Infobae)

Obesity and other conditions caused by a sedentary lifestyle can cause serious problems in the body and irreparable damage. An accessible and effective option to combat a sedentary lifestyle and activate the body for a few minutes a day is walk. This simple habit can offer great physical and mental health benefitsin addition to promoting social interaction and community well-being.

Walk for at least 30 minutes a day helps combat various chronic diseases and improves mood. According to him appleWalking between 9,000 and 10,000 steps a day significantly reduces the risk of death and reduces the risk of suffering from cardiovascular diseases by 20%.. Although achieving this number of steps may seem like a challenge, increasing the number of daily steps, even just a few, has notable health benefits.

He American Council of Exercise points out that just by walking around the block it is possible to lower blood pressure and improve mental health. This benefit is particularly notable in older adultsfor whom walking is a highly recommended exercise that helps them improve their quality of life and stay active without the need for special equipment or considerable effort.

Research highlights the importance of “walkable neighborhoods” and “walking as a means of reestablishing social connections.” In an era when global health services indicate a “loneliness epidemic” among adults, walking with a neighbor or community member provides additional benefits similar to those of a “gym buddy.” Both provide a social benefit and a responsibility factor, which increases the probability that physical activity is maintained and persists over time.

A study that covers more than 72 thousand people shows that even small increases in the daily number of steps can result in significant health benefits. The American Council of Exercise stresses that regular walking should be encouraged due to its numerous benefits, including lowering blood pressure and improving mental well-being. In addition, walking around the neighborhood facilitates connection with neighbors and strengthens the community.

He British Journal of Sports Medicine It also emphasizes that daily walking can be an effective antidote to a sedentary lifestyle for almost anyone, regardless of age or level of physical activity. Walking is a low-risk and easy-to-start activity, making it an accessible option for increasing physical activity levels and improving overall well-being.

Research highlights that walkable neighborhoods encourage social interaction and reduce loneliness. Walking in the company of neighbors or friends not only provides physical and mental benefits, but also strengthens community ties – (Illustrative image Infobae)

In addition to the physical and social benefits, walking is a great way to reduce stress and improve mental health. Physical activity triggers the release of endorphins, known as the “happiness hormones”, which can help combat depression and anxiety. Social interaction during walks can help reduce feelings of loneliness and strengthen the sense of community. In an increasingly digital and often isolated society, the act of walking and talking with neighbors can have a notable impact on emotional well-being.

To get the most out of the benefits of walking, some practices are recommended:

  1. Establish a daily routine: Try to walk at the same time every day to form a habit.
  2. Choose safe and pleasant paths: Look for areas with good lighting and green spaces.
  3. Wear appropriate footwear: Invest in comfortable shoes suitable for long walks.
  4. Walk in company: Invite a friend, neighbor or family member to increase motivation and enjoy the social aspect.
  5. Hydrate properly: Bring water and stay hydrated during the walk.
  6. Progressively increase the distance: Start with short walks and gradually increase the distance and time.
  7. Pay attention to the body: Listen to your body’s signals and don’t force yourself too much.

Incorporating daily walking as part of your personal routine not only improves physical health, but also promotes mental health and strengthens social bonds. Walking is presented as an essential activity to combat the sedentary lifestyle present in modern society and achieve comprehensive well-being.

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