The ideal exercise to improve memory, according to neuroscience

He physical exercise It has been widely recognized for its benefits on general health, but its specific impact on cognitive function has been a growing area of ​​research in neuroscience. At this point, it was concluded that there is a crucial activity for the memory: the stationary bicycle.

Recently, a study carried out by the National University of the Center of the Province of Buenos Aires (UNICEN) has shown promising results in the field of mental health. According to this analysis, just 25 minutes of exercise in stationary bicycle can significantly improve the spatial memory.

Such a discovery is based on a new approach that uses virtual reality to evaluate memory in a controlled environment. A test was designed that required participants to remember the position of flags within a virtual landscape, simulating difficult and easy conditions.

The stationary bicycle, key to spatial memory (Shutterstock).

The results showed that the physical exercise performed right after the learning task improved the individuals’ ability to remember the position of the flags. It means that the exercise can contribute to the consolidation of the spatial memorywhich deteriorates with aging and in different brain diseases.

Fabricio Ballarini, one of the main researchers of this study published in the journal iScience, highlighted the importance of these results for the design of therapeutic strategies in the treatment of Alzheimer’s and other similar neurodegenerative conditions.

Furthermore, the expert highlighted that the spatial memorywhich involves the ability to remember the location of objects in an environment, is essential for everyday life and can be improved by simple interventions such as regular physical exercise.

The stationary bicycle, key to spatial memory (Shutterstock).

While more studies are still needed to understand how and why exercise affects memory at the molecular and neuronal level, evidence suggests that exercise may not only slow the natural decline of memory. memory age-related, but also to offer an accessible and effective non-pharmacological intervention.

This study represents a significant advance in understanding the benefits of physical exercise for cognitive function. It provides a solid foundation for future research and the development of complementary treatments to improve the quality of life of people affected by neurodegenerative disorders.

The stationary bicycle, key to spatial memory (Shutterstock).
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