What the men’s competition left behind: Luis’s fury against Fabio and the election of a new servant

The individual men’s competition left a victim who must take on the role of servant. In addition, it was the scene of new fights between Fabio and Luis.

A new individual men’s competition was held in the Win or Serve mansion, and left tasty anecdotes.

After his victory, Pangal Andrade assured that the test required “a lot of brainpower,” and that being aware of that helped him win.

The post-competition moment

Resigned to second place was Luis Mateucci, who, towards the end of the test, had to endure the ridicule of his opponent, Fabio Agostini. “It’s rude to shout like that,” he angrily explained to Pangal, once the competition was over.

Thanks to his victory, the captain of Soberanos earned the right to replace one of his adversaries in the role of lords.

“If you want to get to the final, you have to go through everything and do well. For this reason, my chosen one is Fabio,” Pangal clarified.

The Muscular Canary took the choice with humor, but showed a wound on his hand to exempt himself from the responsibility of washing dishes. Agostini, likewise, assured: “I will try to serve as best I can.”

Fabio Agostini will be a servant, after being chosen by Pangal for the role change

Pangal took advantage of igniting the controversy between Fabio and Luis when the Hispanic asked him who he should serve this week. “To Luis’ girlfriend,” Andrade answered.

The Spaniard, always ready to annoy his opponent, replied sarcastically: “That’s great, I love it.”

Check the moment:

After the individual men’s test, Luis went straight to talk to Daniela to make his accusations against Fabio. The Argentine accused him of distracting him with shouts and bothering him during the competition.

Luis and Daniela, after the men's competition.
Luis and Daniela, after the men’s competition.

Daniela tried to console Mateucci, reminding him that Fabio must be his servant. Luis reacted by warning her what she heard Agostini say: “I’m going to serve it, she says. “I served myself to the other one and now I am going to serve myself to this one.”

Luis Mateucci closed the topic by assuring that Fabio is a fairly strong rival for competitions, but that due to his personality, “he is not suitable for captain.”

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