Osvaldo Laport is going through a difficult moment of health: he suffers from trichinosis

Osvaldo Laport is going through a difficult moment of health: he suffers from trichinosis
Osvaldo Laport is going through a difficult moment of health: he suffers from trichinosis

Osvaldo Laport (67) revealed that He was hospitalized after contracting trichinosis and explained how his treatment continues. She did so in an interview with the TN Show portal.

The actor explained that he was very worried when he had very complicated symptoms and the doctors could not yet give him an accurate diagnosis.

The very high fever, decay and dehydration made the protagonist of Love in custody and Championsamong many other fictions, had to be hospitalized.

In dialogue with the aforementioned portal, Osvaldo Laport explained that he had started to feel bad approximately fifteen days ago, just when he was invited to Having lunch with Juana (El Trece, Sundays, at 1:45 p.m.).

“He had been beaten for two or three days,” he said. I thought it was the flu, with fever and a very great decompensation, with dehydration. I went the same (to Juana Viale’s program), with a fever of 39. I went out and called the doctor. I ended up hospitalized”.

Once hospitalized, they began to perform a battery of studies. This is how the doctors detected that Laport had very altered white blood cell values.

Osvaldo Laport: “I went to record Juana Viale’s program with a 39 degree fever.” Capture video.

From that information, health professionals began to connect the dots and headed towards a diagnosis. “They came to the foot of my bed and asked me where had he been and if he had eaten sausages“Laport said.

And, with irony, he added: “And yes, of course, if you go to the countryside, what do you do, what do you eat?” The question the doctors asked him stemmed from the suspicion that his white blood cells were altered by a disease that is contracted by eating contaminated meat.

But upon further analysis, the actor tested positive for the influenza virus. “There we relax, but I kept having strange symptoms”, Laport continued detailing in the interview.

Given the situation and feeling bewildered, he chose to exhaust all avenues: he began to ask for the opinion of doctors from various specialties to try to find the cause of the very difficult symptoms he had.

He consulted a urologist and a proctologist, among others. At the same time, from the health center where he was hospitalized, the actor spoke with a friend with whom he had shared the party held in the countryside, the place where he ate the sausages.

She told him that she was sick with trichinosis, as were her mother and brother. The actor’s diagnosis was exactly the same.

Osvaldo Laport: “I am in full treatment, but we have to continue life.” Capture video.

Despite the painful moment he is going through, Laport does not give up and continues forward with optimism. “I am in full treatment, with pills and different things. But hey, here I am and we have to continue life,” she stated.

What is trichinosis?

As defined by the portal of the Ministry of Health of the Argentine Republic, trichinosis “is a disease caused by a parasite worm-shaped found lodged in the muscles of pigs and other wild animalslike the wild boar and the puma”.

It is explained there that “people become infected accidentally by ingesting meat or meat derivatives, raw or poorly cooked, that contain live larvae of the parasite. In Argentina, the main source of infection for humans is the domestic pig.although there are also others, such as the wild boar or the puma”.

Regarding symptoms, it is noted that “people may experience fever, muscle pain, diarrhea, vomiting, swelling of the eyelids and itching.”

Given these symptoms, the Ministry of Health advises going quickly to the nearest health center because “The earlier it is detected, the faster and more effective the cure is.“.

How can trichinosis be prevented?

To avoid contracting this disease, the Ministry of Health highlights that you must “consume fresh and well-cooked pork and derivatives (that is, cooking them until the pink color disappears, the internal temperature must be 71 degrees for at least one minute). )”.

Furthermore, it is noted that “salting or smoking meat is not enough to kill the parasite“.

On the other hand, it indicates that it is necessary “acquire derived products, cured meats and sausages (such as ham, bacon, sausage, chorizos) only in authorized stores“.

It is also important to “verify on the label that they have been produced by authorized companies where the brand, batch identification, production and expiration date, identification of the manufacturing establishment and registration with the health authority (RNE and RNPA) are specified.”

“The street sale of these foods is prohibited“warns the Ministry of Health.

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