The Government and the CGT toughen positions days before the general strike

The Government and the CGT are hardening their positions in the face of the general strike next Thursday, May 9, for which a new large mobilization is expected, after the march carried out by university organizations weeks ago.

This Sunday, Executive officials spoke. One of them was the Minister of the Interior, Guillermo Francos, who considered that “it is a somewhat unjustified political strike.” The Minister of Security, Patricia Bullrich, also did so, stating that the measure is “against a working society.”

For Francos “in the majority of people there is great expectation and hope” in the management of President Javier Milei. “I don’t understand why the country stops,” he said.

The Minister of the Interior, Guillermo Francos.

“Argentines are not stopping or trying to stop the country as a sign of protest. In the majority there is great expectation and hope that this process of change can continue to be carried out,” Francos said in radio statements.

In that sense, he elaborated: “When we are beginning to see signs of recovery, it is time to wait, to be patient and not stop, because on top of that they don’t have the intention to stop the country either.

Patricia Bullrich, Minister of National Security.

For Bullrich, meanwhile, the measure is “more of the same” given that compared to the administration of Alberto Fernández, which he described as “the worst government in history”, the central office did not call for any strike in the four years.

“It seems to me that the only thing the strikes do is ruin them because the Government is determined to follow its path, the one that is going to get us out of the crisis,” he said in an interview he gave on Radio Rivadavia.

71ce2ab3ab.jpgSee alsoThe Government criticized the CGT general strike and described it as “unjustified”

For his part, Bullrich anticipated that the portfolio he leads will activate the security protocol on May 9. “The Government has made a decision and the people know it,” he said.

“We guarantee free movement, we do not let them take over bridges or cut routes. There may be exceptions where we are not, if there is a welcome provincial force, but the protocol is always applied because we know that people feel what it means. It is our philosophy,” remarked the head of Security.

Daer predicted a “stoppage”

Who also spoke this weekend was the general secretary of the CGT, Héctor Daer. He predicted a “strike” next Thursday, motivated by the adhesion of all unions to the measure of force in protest of the policies of President Javier Milei.

daer rossiThe general secretary of the CGT, Héctor Daer, together with the former chief of staff, Agustín Rossi, in Rosario.

“This national strike is going to be a disaster, all the unions that make up the CGT adhere to the measure of force,” said Daer within the framework of the 4th edition of the Faculty of Militancy in Rosario.

Meanwhile, the union member maintained that the national government did not “tell them how they are going to solve the problems of shrinking the State” or what they are going to do with the “privatizations.”

“It is illogical to think that, in a country with these inequalities, destroying unions is the way to go. The only thing it can lead to is more inequality. That is why we defend upward social mobility, public schools and universities,” said Daer.

In this sense, the general secretary of the Association of Health Workers expressed: “To build, get together and debate politically, there must be internal debate. The fundamental thing is to be clear about a range of views, the real political debate is this, where we We look at the face and make commitments. We have to replicate it.”

The activity was also attended by the head of the Unión por la Patria (UP) bloc, Germán Martínez, the former chief of staff, Agustín Rossi, and had the general secretary of the CGT as the main speaker, who spoke about “The rights of the workers against the advance of the extreme right.”

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