In Ariguaní, Magdalena They protest against lack of payment to suppliers and contractors at a departmental school

In Ariguaní, Magdalena They protest against lack of payment to suppliers and contractors at a departmental school
In Ariguaní, Magdalena They protest against lack of payment to suppliers and contractors at a departmental school

With harangues, banners and blocking roads, those affected attacked the departmental administration, arguing that they failed to fulfill their payment promises.

A group of contractors and suppliers of the ‘Simón Bolívar’ Departmental Educational Institution, in the municipality of Ariguaní, Magdalena, have declared themselves in protest against non-payment by the current administration.

According to the complainants, the current administration, led by rector Paul Palencia Gutiérrez, refuses to pay the contracts and invoices generated in the previous period. This The situation has led to the temporary closure of the institution’s five headquarters, due to the lack of resources for its operation.

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Contractors and suppliers claim that they were presented with deception and false promises of payment by the rector Palencia Gutierrez, who has not provided a solution to their demands. Furthermore, they denounce the disappearance of legalized contracts, which makes it difficult even more the possibility of claiming their rights through legal means.

“It is a constant mockery on the part of the rector who violated the payment agreements that the institution made with us,” said one of those affected to a local media outlet. “We call on the governor of Magdalena to appear in this way problem that involves both the violation of children’s rights and that of workers and suppliers who demand their rights,” he added.

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The situation has generated great concern in the educational community and the population in general, who demand that the authorities provide a prompt solution to this conflict. It is expected that the governor who appoints the rectors in the educational institutions Departmental, assume your responsibility and look for solutions to guarantee outstanding debts to contractors.


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