2 cultural managers from Quindío won a call from the Ministry of Culture for their career

2 cultural managers from Quindío won a call from the Ministry of Culture for their career
2 cultural managers from Quindío won a call from the Ministry of Culture for their career


The Quindian artist Libaniel Marulanda from Calarcá, Quindío who won recognition from the Ministry of Cultures for his career in culture at the national level.

And it is that he Ministry of Cultures, Arts and Knowledge announced the results of the ‘Trayectorias’ call, whose objective is to recognize Colombian men and women who have made invaluable contributions to the cultures and arts in the country.

The 70 people chosen They will receive a material recognition of sixty million pesos ($60,000,000 m/cte.) and a symbolic recognition for the path they have opened and for their legacy in different fields of culture and the arts.

He also received the same recognition Baudelino Torres Martínez – 79 years old, although born in Cajamarca, Tolima, this Writer and calligrapher, known as “The Golden Pen” has developed his artistic career in the department of Quindío.

At Caracol Radio Armenia we speak with Libaniel Marulanda Velásquez – 77 years old. Calarcá (Quindío). Musician, composer and accordion player. Founder of the musical group “The Boys from Before”. He is a short story writer and author of several books.

How do you receive this recognition?

Thank you very much for the congratulations, I thank Caracol Radio that is so effectively helping those of us who are immersed in these abysses of culture And well, I thank you very much for those words of congratulations and in reality, with enough reasons to be celebrating.

What do you like more, music or literature?

Are like two loves, two simultaneous loves, one is like the clandestine love of the other in turn, no, but all of them complement each other anyway because since I started playing accordion at the age of 15, I simultaneously started writing nonsense like all of us around here, no. And then it worked for me. Things have worked for me. I would say that the fact that I chose for the case has also helped me a lot, because from the tango and that genre it has helped me a lot that the proverb protected me with that saying that they said the closing of the blind, the one-eyed is king, so It has served me well a little bit of everything, but really.

Today this is more for literature, because Music became a prostitute, because it responds to absolutely commercial parameters, a market economy.while literature, although it is true that it does not escape the market economy, nevertheless, allows one to be free and able or to do achievements and things without obeying patterns imposed by the market, as happens to Poor musicians have to compose commercial things.

The culture of yesterday and the culture of today

I have always thought one thing that When a person gets into the story from being an artist, then let’s see there is one thing that is basic and that is the economic issue, It is known that the economy is the engine of the world, it is impossible to make a living from art as long as one does not have a lot of talent, but in addition to having a lot of talent, having someone who reads it, listens to it and, above all, who needs it, then one begins to practice. That is as sublime as it is, as important as art is, but one has to have a base, an economic base, because it would sound very romantic to say that so-and-so died of hunger, and they found him holding a pencil in the last extractors of the Agony after not trying food, that may sound pathetic, but not really As an artist, the first thing you have to think about is what I’m going to live off of.

And he added “in the region, unfortunately, a phenomenon has occurred and in the country that with this stimulus packages and agreements and well What is going to flourish is a search for the exercise of art, but taking art not as an end, but as a means and that is where the problem is, all the people want to live like a planidera, waving the totuma so that the State helps them, so that the people support them, in my case the fact of having worked a lifetime for 40 years tied to a desk and hence the song about the office worker, so it allowed me to have an economic support after I retired and throughout the year because I was always working, playing and writing nonsense and so that has felt to me then so that I can do full use of freedom.

And freedom is only obtainable without the absence of peremptory needs like the stomach, for you to be free and To be a real artist you have to be free of those ties. Agree, the ideal is to live from one thing and participate in order to support the other.

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