The best valued brands in Chile: Colun, Radio Bío Bío and Metro stand out among the top 30 | BBCL With You

The best valued brands in Chile: Colun, Radio Bío Bío and Metro stand out among the top 30 | BBCL With You
The best valued brands in Chile: Colun, Radio Bío Bío and Metro stand out among the top 30 | BBCL With You

The market research and public opinion company in Chile, Cadem, released its XIV version of the study “Citizen Brands: Green shoots, from pessimism to optimism”, which measures the perception that citizens have of 300 brands in the country, such as their positive presence, relevance, and contribution.

From the complete list, Radio Bío Bío is positioned as the best valued media outlet. Likewise, brands such as Colun, Metro and Dr.Simi lead their respective categories.

The brands indicated in “Citizen brands” are those that “stand out for having a positive presence in public opinion, for being considered a contribution to society and, at the same time, for being relevant to consumers/clients.”

Ranking of Citizen Brands first semester 2024

The “Citizen Brands” study was based on a self-administered survey sent via email to panelists from Cadem Online and Comunidad Cadem, aged between 18 and 70 years, applied throughout Chile, belonging to socioeconomic levels C1, C2 and C3D.

Although the ranking evaluates 300 brands within the country, special recognition was made to 34 brands that stand out from the rest. These are those that “manage to become visible from their purpose.”

You can check the Top 34 “Citizen Brands” in Chile next:

1.— Colun
2.— Santiago Metro
3.— Leader
4.— Rut Account
5.— Free Market
6.— Dr. Simi
7.— Soprole
8.— Redcompra
9.— Comfort
10.— BancoEstado
12.— Coca-Cola
13.— Cachantún
14.— Nestlé
15.— Copec
16.— Jumbo
17.— Netflix
18.— Quix
19.— WebPay
20.— Nova
21.— Colgate
22.— Clorox
23.— Nescafe
24.— Fonasa
25.— Transbank
26.— Lysoform
27.— Radio Bío Bío
28.— Carozzi
29.— Iansa
30.— Andean Waters
31.— Sodimac
32.— Elite
33.— Entel
34.— Falabella

In addition to this ranking, which considers brands from all areas and sectors, it took advantage of highlight the winning brand in each one. For example, in the “Mass consumption” category Nescafé stands out, in “Shopping centers” MallPlaza does and in “Banks” the winner is BancoEstado.

In the case of media in Chile, Radio Bío Bío appears as the winning brand in the “Radios and newspapers” category, while Canal 13 does it for the “TV Channel” category.

You can review the complete ranking of the 300 brands analyzed by clicking here and scrolling to page 34.

Positive presence, relevance and contribution

In addition to the general ranking of Citizen Brands, a breakdown was made according to the perception that citizens have of the brands regarding different matters. The Radio was highlighted in the following items:

  • “It is a consistent brand, it communicates clearly”, position number 8.
  • “It works excellent, it gives me security”, position number 19.
  • “He treats his clients well”, position number 16.
  • “It is available to everyone”, position number 7.
  • “Contribution”, position number 10.
  • “Improves the lives of people and communities”, number 10.
  • “Treats its workers and suppliers well”, position number 4.
  • “It contributes to culture, to art”, position number 4.
  • “Promotes sport”, position number 10.

    Other brands recognized by the Cadem study were Lider, Mercado Libre and Coca Cola, occupying the first three positions in the category. “Positive Presence”.

    In addition, Coca Cola, Colun and Dr. Simi prevail in the category “Their advertising is memorable”; while Colun, Redcompra and Samsung do so in the category of “Relevance”.

    Finally, Samsung, Copec and Apple stand out at the top of the category “Constantly innovate.”

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