Caldense karate shines in the Valledupar Interleague

Caldense karate shines in the Valledupar Interleague
Caldense karate shines in the Valledupar Interleague

THE HOMELAND | Manizales

The selected one Caldas of karate shone in the National Interleague which was disputed in Valledupar. They got 7 gold, 3 silver and 5 bronzesthe third place for teams and 7 places in the national section for the South American Championship of Bolivia.

The classifieds are Sofia Cardenas, Shane Torres, Ruben Henao, Isaac Pardo, Maria Jose Rave, Maria Paulina Giraldo and Isabella Aranzazu.

The gold arrived on behalf of Sofia Cardenas, in kumite older -50 kilos; Shane Torresin kumite older +84 kilos; Ruben Henaoin kumite older -84 kilos; Sofia Cardenasin kumite Sub-21 -50 kilos; Isaac Pardoin kumite Sub-14 -40 kilos; Maria Paulina Giraldoin kumite Sub-14 -52 kilos, and the senior women’s kumite teamwith Shane Torres, Sofia Cardenas, Paula Gomez and Ana Alfonso.

The silver was obtained by Maria Jose Ravein kumite cadets -61 kilos; Sara Shauxin kumite Sub-14 -42 kilos, and Martin Alzatein kumite Sub-12 -35 kilos.

And the bronzes were added by Andres Rendon. in kumite older -60 kilos; Mariana Jimenezin kumite Sub-14 -52 kilos; Isabella Aranzazuin kumite Sub-14 +52 kilos; Mariana Ortegonin kumite Sub-12 +40 kilos, and Maria Fernanda Barajasin kumite Sub-12 -40 kilos.

For the National Youth Games

There was also a qualifier for the National Youth Games that will be in the Coffee Axis next November.

By Caldas participated Sofia Cardenas, Jorge Arias, Juan Felipe Castaño, Joshua Castano and Juan Jose Torres.

“As a requirement, we only had to participate to be classified, since The place is guaranteed because they are local. One of the most notable of this phase was the first place of Sofia Cardenas in the sub-21 -50 kilos category and third place in Jorge Arias in the under-21 category -70 kilos”, indicated the technician Édison Ospina.

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