What has your neighbor voted? The results of 9J street by street

The publication of the results table by table in any electoral election serves to emphasize what any sociologist, academically, or any passerby, intuitively and visually, can notice without errors: each neighborhood is different in many aspects. In its economy, demographics, academic level… but also in the political aspect. And in Logroño the borders, although they sometimes change color due to political waves, are clearly perceived. Within a general tone in which blue shines (on 9J the Popular Party won 104 polling stations to 31 for the Socialists and six ties), quite a few singularities can be perceived.

  1. Miguel Villanueva-Madrid Avenue

    More than 80% of voters choose the right

The economic heart of the capital and one of the main areas of single-family homes stand out for their massive support for the right. Between María Zambrano and Juan XXIII, in an area that includes Miguel Villanueva or the first section of Calvo Sotelo, the PP achieves 66.7% of the votes, five times more than the socialists, whom Vox is hot on the heels of. The same happens in the section that includes part of Avenida de Madrid to the Circunvalación and the road to La Ribaza, where for every socialist vote there are five popular ones. In both tables, the sum of the right-wing parties exceeds 82% of the votes.

  1. Socialist resistance

    In Madre de Dios, the PSOE reaches almost half of the votes

Just five years ago, Logroño seemed like a red map with very few exceptions. Now red are a handful of islands, among which stands out for their support of those of Pedro Sánchez, Madre de Dios. The electoral table that collects the votes of Beatos Mena and Navarrete, San José de Calasanz, part of Madre de Dios or Padre Marín showed a clear socialist victory: 49.5% of the ballots for 31.3% of support for the PP. In the square between Madre de Dios, San José de Calasanz, Padre Marín and Luis de Ulloa the victory was also clear: 48.9% of votes for the PSOE and 27% for Dolors Montserrat. These are not the only cases of socialist resistance. For example, in the Old Town, tables 1-001 (Sagasta, Rodríguez Paterna, Avenida de Viana, Herrerías, Juan Lobo and Caballerías) and 6-001 (Sagasta, Bretón, Travesía de Laurel, La Merced or Barriocepo) also They were won by the PSOE. And Yagüe, La Estrella, Madre de Dios or different tables in the West zone are also faithful to Sánchez.

  1. Vox

    17% in San Millán and good results in young neighborhoods

The third political force in the European elections maintains results with slight ups and downs in the capital. 8.79% of Rioja voters left the Abascal party’s ballot at the polls on Sunday, but there are tables where they clearly exceeded 10%. For example, in young neighborhoods like Valdegastea, where it accounted for 13.2% of support, in Fardachón (11.8%) or in La Cava (10.7%). And in the fiefdoms of the right, those of Vox also gained muscle: 12.4% in the main avenue table in Madrid and 12.3% in the Miguel Villanueva area.

  1. Can

    A fall that leads him to be eighth force on several tables

The Podemos leadership cannot be happy with the results of the European elections at the national level, much less in La Rioja, where they remained at 2.3% of the votes. There are Logroño tables in which its presence is almost residual. For example, in Avenida de Madrid, out of 570 votes, the party led by Irene Montero received two supports, which made it the eighth force, equal with Exist or White Seats. Also in Cascajos, in the table corresponding to Pedregales, Lope de Vega streets and part of Piqueras, Podemos was eighth force, with 12 supports. In that section, the purple ones were beaten by Ciudadanos (15) or the Revolutionary Workers’ Current (13). The establishment of this minority party at this table, which in all of La Rioja obtained 51 votes, is curious.

  1. By neighborhoods

    El Cortijo and Varea, popular; Yagüe and La Estrella, socialists

Four neighborhoods in Logroño have a very marked personality. And in two of them in the last elections the PP won and in the other two, the PSOE. In the case of the table that collects the votes of El Cortijo (and part of El Cubo), those of Alberto Núñez Feijóo were proclaimed winners with 39.8% of the votes, four points higher than those of Pedro Sánchez. The same thing happened in Varea, with the PP almost three points ahead. For their part, La Estrella and Yagüe remained faithful to the socialists. In the first case, with 38.7% of the ballots, four points more than the popular ones, and in Yagüe with 39% and an identical difference.

  1. SALF

    Two tables for Alvise Pérez with 10.9% and 8.5%

The party is over was the big surprise of the Europeans. The ultra group led by Alvise Pérez obtained 3.6% of the votes, although in tables in Logroño such as that of the neighbors on part of Avenida de la Paz, Avenida de Lobete, Obispo Montiel and Obispo Blanco Nájera it reached 8.5 % (in the same one that Vox achieved 17%). In Valdegastea its percentage remained at 7%. In contrast, in several sections of Madre de Dios, SALF remained below 2%.

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