Former governor of Huila, Cielo González, sentenced for contract irregularities

Former governor of Huila, Cielo González, sentenced for contract irregularities
Former governor of Huila, Cielo González, sentenced for contract irregularities

Wednesday, June 12, 2024

The irregularities are in the contract to exploit the liquor; found guilty of undue interest in the execution of three contracts

In the last hours, the First Instance Chamber of the Supreme Court of Justice condemned the former governor of Huila, Cielo González, for the irregularities that would have arisen in the concession contract to exploit the Doble Anís brandy, which would have ended up, without any legal reason, in the Antioquia Liquor and Alcohol Factory (FLA).

The Court’s ruling came after “evaluating together the elements of knowledge adduced in the trial in accordance with the rules of sound criticism, concludes that the Prosecutor’s Office demonstrated beyond any doubt that Dr. Cielo González Villa is criminally responsible as the author of three crimes of undue interest in the conclusion of contractsin homogeneous and successive competition, in heterogeneous competition with two crimes of ideological falsehood in a public document (article 286 idem), also in homogeneous and successive competition, for which she will be convicted.

This is how González was found guilty of undue interest in the celebration of three contracts and ideological falsehood in a public document, but she was acquitted of eight other ideological falsehoods and two embezzlements for appropriation in favor of third parties.

The high court determined that the former president will remain free, at least until a sentence is issued that contains the specific amount that she must pay in prison. The Court noted that until now she had no criminal record and attended her hearings.

Cielo González was elected governor of Huila in 2011. Between January and February 2013, the then president, Juan Manuel Santos, had to remove her from the position, Well, the Attorney General’s Office imposed three sanctions against him for different contracts.

In 2011, the department began bidding to find a contracting company, but that process was stopped in 2012 by González, who signed, by direct contracting, an agreement with the Antioquia Liquor and Alcohol Factory.

According to the Supreme Court of Justice, González “wanted to favor, without any reasonable legal reason,” the FLA, a company attached to the administration of Antioquia, even though Huila and its authorities could advance a more transparent local bidding process.

The contract was based on some previous studies in which, in any case, “the reason why “the departmental administration opted to enter into contracts with another territorial entity,” the high court added.

The investigation showed that other liquor stores, such as those in Caldas, Cundinamarca and Cauca, presented “true offers” with which they showed, in addition to their experience, their interest in manufacturing more than three million units of Double Anise brandy per year.

For the High Court, despite the intention of other companies, González unjustifiably leaned towards the Antioquia company, and did so through at least two resolutions that did not They exposed aspects such as budgets or reasons to stop the tenders that began in 2011.

In that ruling, the high court also explained that the Prosecutor’s Office managed to reveal some irregularities in the processing and execution of the three concession contracts by the former governor of Huila, apparently to unduly favor the Antioquia Liquor and Alcohol Factory ( FLA).


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