Mendoza will be the meeting point of a great collectors event

Mendoza will be the meeting point of a great collectors event
Mendoza will be the meeting point of a great collectors event

This is one of the reasons for the extended hours of the fair because by moving so many people, it seeks to facilitate access to the largest number of people. It must be taken into account that both in the event that will be held at the Guaymallén Cultural Center and in others of this type, the general public marvels at the objects on display. While, collectors take the opportunity to exchange, buy, sell and catch up with the news as they are ideal meetings for exchanges and camaraderie.

“Collecting is a hobby, but there is also an important trade around the world”, highlighted Funes.


Collectors take the opportunity to exchange, buy, sell and catch up on news.

In this sense, he also commented that the event is also ideal for ask for advice about collections or objects you own. In many cases, some families come across these types of treasures by chance and don’t really know what to do with what grandparents or great-grandparents kept with suspicion. “A person who has something that he inherited and wants to sell it, they will advise him there and they can even buy the collection,” explained the organizer.

It must be taken into account that The collection is very extensive and, in addition to banknotes from all over the world and of various ages, there are also bonds, cars, stamps and coins; among many other possibilities.

Dissertations to schedule

In addition to collectors from different places will be present: the San Juan Numismatic Center, Jesús María Numismatic Center, La Plata Numismatic Center, Mendoza Philatelic Center, Mendoza Numismatic Center. NNF Learning to Collect, Valkiria IPMS Mendoza Modelers, Mendoza Modelers and Car Collectors will come. On the other hand, and just to mention some particularities of what can be observed, it will be Rodolfo Colombano with the largest collection of Bordeaux labels in the country. Also notable is a collection of banknotes in paintings that belongs to Andrés Morales and Paola García. Diego Miranda, Lucas Pepa and the Mendoza Philatelic Center join in.

Meanwhile, dissertations are spaces expected by everyone due to the diverse topics as well as the careers of the speakers. The title of the first talk will be “Of authentic, unique and apocryphal banknotes”. This talk will be Saturday 15th, at 3pm, and will be led by Andrés D’Annunzio and Facundo Vaisman, two experts in counterfeit detection with significant experience in the subject. Among other specializations, D’Annunzio is a numismatic researcher, while Vaisman is an expert in documentology and calligraphy as well as a member of the board of directors of the International Society of Experts in Documentoscopy.

At 4:30 p.m., also on SaturdayNicolás Labado will talk about “Cataloging of coins in virtual environments”. Labado is a lawyer, university professor and specialist in Roman and world coins. This topic is very topical because in recent years technology has added an interesting number of tools to improve the way collections are classified, which facilitates the activity of collectors.

He Sunday the 16th, at 3pmone of the highlights of the event is expected since a Paraguayan specialist will come to speak on “Paraguay banknotes replacement series”. Jorge Andrés Alvez is president of the Association of Numismatic Collectors of Paraguay and passionate about the history and numismatic culture of that country. His specialty is in Guaraní banknotes and coins since his beginnings in 1943 and he has a recognized career in the numismatic environment.

Lastly, the Sunday 16th at 4:30 p.m.Carlos Eliseo Luque will give a conference called “The enigmatic figure of Rosas on Rioja coins”. Luque is a numismatic consultant, writer and researcher on the subject throughout history. With two books published – “200 years of Argentine history” and “Mendoza, its own mint, crossing the Andes, science and much more” – he is about to publish his third work. The presentation will be at the National Conference of Córdoba and its title will be “Rioja, the Argentine Patriot Mint.”

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