Tremor Chile today live last earthquake June 13-14 hour magnitude epicenter report real time National Seismological Center CSN nnda nnrt | MIX

Tremor Chile today live last earthquake June 13-14 hour magnitude epicenter report real time National Seismological Center CSN nnda nnrt | MIX
Tremor Chile today live last earthquake June 13-14 hour magnitude epicenter report real time National Seismological Center CSN nnda nnrt | MIX

Chililocated on the western edge of South America, is part of the so-called “Pacific Ring of Fire”, an area of ​​intense seismic activity. Here, the Nazca plate sinks beneath the South American plate in a process known as subduction. Added to this is the horizontal movement of the Scotia plate with respect to the South American plate.

These interactions between plates generate a intense deformation of the continentgiving rise to the Andes Mountains, valleys, hills and, of course, earthquakes throughout the entire territory. For this reason, it is important to be aware of the most recent earthquakesas well as the measures of the Government of Chile in this regard.

Tremor in Chile today, June 13 LIVE – via CSN

Follow the real-time reports of the National Seismological Center (CSN) of the University of Chilean entity belonging in turn to the National Commission for Scientific and Technological Research (CONICYT) and has a network of seismographs distributed throughout the country, which allow seismic movements to be detected and recorded.

Also, check the latest on the earthquakes in Chile recorded today, Thursday June 13, 2024in the cities with the highest seismic index such as Sierra Gorda, Calama, Pica, Coquimbo, Atacama, Valparaíso, among other locations that make up the Chilean territory.

Survival guide for an earthquake in Chile

Earthquakes are frequent in Chile, and being prepared is crucial for your safety. The National Disaster Prevention and Response Service (Senapred) has outlined a series of essential guidelines that will help you cope with an earthquake effectively. Remember that earthquakes can strike without warning, so being prepared and following these guidelines can significantly increase your chances of staying safe during an earthquake:

Stay calm and seek shelter

  • Prioritize serenity: Panic can hinder your ability to make rational decisions. Stay calm and assess the situation.
  • Seek shelter under sturdy structures: Identify designated earthquake-resistant areas within your building or seek shelter under sturdy furniture such as tables or desks.
  • If you can’t find shelter, stay near a sturdy object: If immediate shelter is not possible, position yourself near a sturdy object that can provide protection from falling debris.

Secure public services

  • Turn off the power supply: To avoid electrical hazards, immediately disconnect the main power supply.
  • Turn off the water and gas valves: Turn off water and gas valves to minimize potential leaks and fire hazards.

Outdoor safety

  • Evacuate open areas: If you are outdoors during an earthquake, stay away from buildings, power lines, and other potential hazards.
  • Look for open spaces: Seek shelter in open areas away from structures that could collapse.

Safety at mass gatherings

  • Stay in place: If you are in a crowded area, stay still and avoid rushing toward exits, which could cause stampedes.
  • Protect your head and neck: Use your arms to protect your head and neck from falling debris.
  • Follow safety instructions: Strictly follow the instructions provided by the event organizers and security personnel.

Driving during an earthquake

  • Reduce speed: If you drive during an earthquake, gradually reduce your speed and avoid sudden braking.
  • Stop safely: Once the shaking subsides, find a safe place to stop and wait for further instructions.

Tremor in Chile: What should an emergency backpack include?

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