The election process for the Executive Director of the Ibagué Chamber of Commerce fell | The chronicler

The election process for the Executive Director of the Ibagué Chamber of Commerce fell | The chronicler
The election process for the Executive Director of the Ibagué Chamber of Commerce fell | The chronicler

The meeting on June 12 at the Altamira Hotel left numerous questions among the members of the Board of Directors of the Ibagué Chamber of Commerce about the selection process of the new Executive Director, initially managed by the College of Higher Studies in Administration (CESA). .

According to the schedule available on the Chamber’s website, after the delivery of the shortlist by the CESA, interviews would be held with the members of the Board, which took place the previous week with the three proposed candidates.

However, in the session on Wednesday the 12th, with 7 votes in favor and 2 against, it was decided to reject the shortlist presented by the CESA and request a meeting with the evaluators of the resumes, to jointly analyze the entire process until the date.

The candidates who were presented on June 4 by CESA were Alba Lucía García, former office secretary of former mayor Andrés Fabián Hurtado and who signed, according to information provided to, a contract with the entity when she was a public official, Luisa Fernanda Melo and Oscar German Díaz Enciso, the latter with a current contract with the ICC

Can read No surprises in the shortlist for the Ibagué Chamber of Commerce

For this reason, another issue discussed by the members of the Board and that will also be evaluated is that relating to the alleged inabilities of two of the three candidates delivered by the educational institution, understanding that they had or have a contractual relationship with the Chamber of Commerce of Ibagué and in the studies canceled from CESA there was a legal review of the disabilities registered by the candidates.

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In the newsletter issued by the chamber entity when it published the shortlist, they said that the following three evaluated professionals would be evaluated. But sources consulted by El expressed that the majority are analyzing starting from scratch in the selection process for the position of Executive Director of the Ibagué Chamber of Commerce.


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