More than 4,300 victims and over 3,000 homes damaged

More than 4,300 victims and over 3,000 homes damaged
More than 4,300 victims and over 3,000 homes damaged

He National Disaster Prevention and Response Service (Senapred) updated the information on the consequences that the passage of the historic wind and rain storm is leaving on the south-central part of the country.

More than 4,300 people affected, 485 isolated and over 3,000 homes with some degree of damage, it has been one of the worst front systems in recent years.

Below, we leave you the overview, region by region, of what has happened until 8:00 a.m. this Thursday, June 13:

Valparaiso Region

  • Viña del Mar: 147 people evacuated from 3 buildings located on Las Perlas Street, as a result of the collapse of a rainwater collector in the sector.

Metropolitan region

  • Lo Barnechea: 1 person injured as a result of a tree falling on a vehicle.
  • Alteration in connectivity: Preventive closure of the La Dormida, Chada and Las Bateas slopes, commune of Tiltil; Pie Andino and Chacabuco, commune of Colina and Ruta San José de Maipo, San Gabriel sector.
  • Tree falls are reported in the communes of Padre Hurtado and San José de Maipo.

O’Higgins Region

  • Mostazal Commune: 3 people affected and 1 home with major damage due to a falling tree.
  • Health Services: 700 clients affected by alteration of the drinking water supply in the Palmilla commune.

Maule Region

  • Linares Commune: 1 person died after hitting machinery with power lines, causing the public lighting pole to fall.
  • Teno Commune: 4 people affected and 1 home with major damage due to flooding.
  • Connectivity alterations: In various sectors of the communes of Molina, Romeral, Teno, Linares and Pelluhue.
  • It should be noted that falling trees and blowing off roofs have been reported in various communities in the region.

Ñuble Region

  • Bulnes: 2 homes with minor damage.
  • Chillán Viejo: 10 homes with minor damage.
  • Cobquecura: 20 people affected, 1 home with minor damage, 5 under evaluation.
  • Coelemu: 4 homes with minor damage and 2 under evaluation.
  • Ñiquén: 1 home with minor damage.
  • San Carlos: 2 homes with minor damage.
  • San Fabián: 6 homes with minor damage.
  • San Ignacio: 32 people affected, 8 homes with major damage and 15 with minor damage.
  • San Nicolás: 1 person injured as a result of a falling tree is transferred to CESFAM in the commune.
  • Trehuaco: sinkhole was recorded on a local road, Maitenco Bajo sector.
  • Quillón: 28 homes with minor damage and 3 people isolated in the Los Cruceros de Huacamalá and Santa Ana de Baúl sectors. Mass removal was recorded at kilometer 24 of Route N-48-W.
    Quirihue: 1 home with minor damage.
  • Yungay: 14 homes with minor damage.
  • Health Services: 251 clients affected by alteration of the drinking water supply in sectors of the communes of Quillón, Ránquil and San Nicolás.
  • Connectivity: Various connectivity interruptions remain in the communes of Bulnes, Quillón, Cobquecura, Coelemu, Quirihue, Chillán Viejo, Ñiquén, San Carlos, San Nicolás, Ránquil, Ninhue and Trehuaco.

Bio bio region

  • Antuco: 600 homes with minor damage.
  • Coronel: 369 people affected, 4 housed in the Estero Manco shelter and 123 homes with major damage.
  • Chiguayante: 40 homes with minor damage.
  • Lota: 4 people affected, 1 home destroyed, 5 with major damage and 9 with minor damage.
  • Arauco: 4 people sheltered in Liceo Politécnico and 450 homes with minor damage.
  • Tomé: 4 people affected, 5 sheltered, 1 home with major damage, 12 with minor damage and 89 under evaluation.
  • Santa Juana: 343 people affected, 70 homes with minor damage and 400 under evaluation.
  • Hualqui: 320 people affected, 11 sheltered in the Amat and Juniet D-600 School and 80 homes with major damage.
  • Curanilahue: 1,000 homes with damage under evaluation and 3,000 people affected, preliminarily reported as a result of the Curanilahue River overflowing. Additionally, 3 people were affected and 2 homes were destroyed, 3 with minor damage and 2 under evaluation, as a result of a landslide and a river flood.
  • Los Angeles: 10 sheltered, 29 homes with minor damage and 80 with damage under evaluation.
  • San Rosendo: 55 people affected, 10 sheltered, 17 with minor damage and 1 home with major damage.
  • Concepción: 20 people affected and 187 homes with minor damage.
  • Alto Biobío: 299 isolated people.
  • Tucapel: 8 isolated people.
  • Los Álamos: 4 homes with minor damage.
  • Lebu: 400 homes with minor damage.
  • Birth: 58 homes with damage under evaluation.
  • Hualpén: 100 people affected, 20 homes with major damage, 50 with minor damage and 80 under evaluation.
  • Laja: 4 people affected, 4 homes with minor damage and 1 with major damage
  • Educational establishments: 87 establishments are structurally affected in the region.
  • Telecommunications: In the commune of Alto Biobío, the Quepuca-Ralco community remains without mobile phone service.
  • Health Services: SSR failures are reported in the communes of Santa Juana, Arauco, Concepción, Los Ángeles, Lebu, Tirúa and Cañete, due to water turbidity. Additionally, sewer overflows are reported in the provinces of Arauco and Concepción.
  • Enabled Shelters: 6 enabled shelters are reported in the communes of Arauco, Hualqui, San Rosendo, Los Angeles, Coronel and Tome.
  • Connectivity: It should be noted that the Biotren service suspended the passage of trains through the Biobío railway bridge, due to the increase in the flow of the Biobío River. The operation will be maintained with shuttle buses between the Concepción and Juan Pablo III stations.
  • In addition, various connectivity interruptions are recorded in the communes of Antuco (Route Q-45; Q-995; Ford cut parallel to the Nivequeten bridge works), Los Ángeles (Route 177), Arauco (Route P-20), San Pedro de La Paz (La Madera Route), Curanilahue (Route P-302-O), Tomé (O-14-N; Mecano Dichato Bridge. Overflow of channel covers road and bridge) and Nacimiento (Routes Q-410, Q-448, Q-434; Q-380 and Q-410).
  • Mass removals: mass removals are recorded in the communes of Curanilahue (Río Rana sector), San Rosendo (Antenas and Elitas sectors), Lota (Villa Mirador, Gabriela Mistral, Villa Los Héroes sectors), Quilaco (Puente Mininco sector), Tomé (Rafael, Las Acacias, El Santo and Cerro Alegre sectors) and Arauco (Bellavista sectors, Dan Pedro town, Las Rocas, Cerro Analicen, Laraquete, Pichilo and Antulafkén Tourist Complex).
  • Finally, at the regional level, there have been falling trees and flooding of streets due to the collapse of the rainwater system, in addition to overflowing water courses.

Araucania region

  • Angol: 16 people affected, 17 homes with minor damage and 4 with major damage.
  • Renaico: 28 people isolated and 55 homes with minor damage. A sinkhole is reported in the Las Marías bridge, rural Tolpán sector, San Rafael community, Coihueco estuary.
  • Collipulli: 5 people affected, 5 sheltered and 1 home with major damage.
  • Victory: 3 people isolated.
  • Lumaco: 2 homes with minor damage and 24 people isolated.
  • Puren: 8 homes with minor damage.
  • Cholchol: 120 people isolated and collapse of the Malalche bridge.
  • Ercilla: 9 homes with minor damage. Route R-400 km. 3 is flooded with the risk of the bridge in the Chacaico sector falling.
  • There are 13 shelters enabled in the communes of Angol, Renaico, Collipulli, Ercilla, Loncoche and Curarrehue.
  • Finally, at the regional level, there have been falling trees and flooding of streets due to the collapse of the rainwater system, in addition to overflowing water courses and landslide hazards.

River region

  • Valdivia: 2 victims and 1 home with major damage, Cutipay sector.
  • Panguipulli: 1 home with minor damage and flooding of the Route in the Tranquil and Huellahue sectors.
  • Connectivity alteration: The Niebla-Corral barge service is suspended as of 10:00 p.m. yesterday.
  • Mass removals: mass removals are recorded in various sectors of the communes of Valdivia and Mariquina.


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