Which teachers are entitled to the ‘grace pension’ in Colombia? Explanation of new sentence

Which teachers are entitled to the ‘grace pension’ in Colombia? Explanation of new sentence
Which teachers are entitled to the ‘grace pension’ in Colombia? Explanation of new sentence

Teachers are people in charge of developing the different academic tasks within an educational institution, that is, They are responsible for the teaching or learning of their students, They also carry out different curricular activities, hold meetings with other teachers and parents or guardians, as well as provide a “student guidance service,” explains the Ministry of Education.

In this sense, to be a teacher in a school attached to the National Government, whether at the municipal, departmental, district or national level, the interested citizen must apply to the different vacancies published in the ‘Master System’ of the Ministry of Education or participate in the teaching competitions offered by the National Civil Service Commission (CNSC). For your part, once you acquire a teaching position directly with the State, You may join the National Fund for Social Benefits of Teachers (FOMAG) for the corresponding payment of premium, severance pay and pension, as well as access to health services, among other benefits granted.

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What is it and who can obtain the ‘grace pension’?

According to the Council of State, The ‘grace pension’ was created in Law 114 of 1913, where it is defined “as a benefit granted to teachers, in order to recognize their dedication, integrity and effort in their management of education”; However, to receive this economic benefit they must comply with several requirements established in the standard and complete the requested documents that are easily accessible on the official portal of the Pensions and Parafiscal Unit (UGPP).

Taking the above into account, teachers in State educational establishments They will be able to request this economic recognition if they are 50 years old, They are official teachers with a career of 20 years and their employment was before December 31, 1980, suggests the UGPP.

What does the new ruling say about the ‘grace pension’?

Although the aforementioned requirements are currently maintained, the ruling 41001-23-33-000-2015-00256-01 resolved by the Second Section of the Council of State and released recently, made the decision to unify the jurisprudence because in 2010 created a position which recognized that The ‘grace pension’ could also be granted to teachers who did not complete 20 years of service required by Law 114 of 1913, only if they suffered some type of disability that prevented them from completing the required time.

However, with the new ruling, the recognition of the ‘grate pension’ should only be contemplate those teachers who completed 20 years of service in the territorial order and will not proceed “if the teacher did not comply due to having been declared disabled or having died, even if he had reached three quarters of the required time,” explains the Council of State.

Therefore, according to the new position, “The existence of disability does not exonerate the teacher from fulfilling the service time,” indicates.

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