The Audiovisual Pole promotion plan is launched and Focus Córdoba is born

This week Silvina Nano was appointed deputy director of Cultural Industries. Within this subdirectorate, he will be in charge of Audiovisual Poleafter the departure of Jorge AlvarezLast December.

His job will not only be to coordinate policies related to the audiovisual sector but he will also be in charge of Cultural Industries, a more comprehensive umbrella. “I will try to give productive development to the cultural and artistic industries in general, from the performing arts to the different spaces managed by the Córdoba Culture Agency, with the idea of ​​​​generating an economic spillover to different sectors that support culture,” Nano told CORDOBA Profile.

In this sense, they will seek to work in an articulated and collaborative manner with the private sector, the academic sector and the third sector. In relation to the Audiovisual Pole, one of Nano’s first actions was to bring together the Advisory Council, which represents the different players in the industry. “Not only to launch the Development Plan, which has already been approved, but to strengthen the links between the different sectors.”

Provincial promotion. The Promotion Plan will be announced at the end of this month and will seek – with an amount of 200 million pesos in a first stage – to promote the development of scripts. “In the context that we live today with the Incaa is that we are going to support to a greater extent the development of projects, which covers video game scripts, documentaries, fiction and animation. In this sense, the original budget was doubled and to put together the plan, the different proposals that the sector approached us were taken into account,” he said.

Furthermore, from the Audiovisual Pole there will be strong support for community cinema, festivals and training.
“Another thing we are working on is what we called the film Festival. Looking at global trends, we have taken the opportunity to transform this festival into a cultural industries market, which is in harmony with my designation and my role. It will be called ‘Focus Córdoba’ and the idea is that it can generate business rounds, give visibility to the different locations we have and provide workshops and training. “We want to replicate the work in the different cultural points of all the territories and internationalize our products and services.”

Finally, at the Polo they are also enthusiastic about being able to add the ‘Cash rebate’, a system implemented last year by the Municipality and which offers production companies a refund of up to 80% of filming expenses. “We are in conversations with the municipality of Córdoba and with different jurisdictions, even looking at other provinces, such as Misiones and Mendoza.”

ELDER BROTHER. The deputy director of Cultural Industries will be in charge of coordinating the Audiovisual Pole.

Filming in the city. This week three short films benefiting from the municipal Cash rebate system began to be filmed. Located in iconic locations of our city (Cabildo, Teatro Real and the Talleres field), ‘Sangre de Dios’ was already filmed, Lucas Boieroand yesterday, Saturday, the ‘Nolbi’ shoots were filmed, by Mariano Lavezzariand ‘La pelada de la Cañada’, by The Metro.

Federal Assembly. It’s been three months since National Institute of Cinema and Audiovisual Arts It does not receive new projects to be evaluated (and those that had been declared of interest were discarded).

Furthermore, it decided –unilaterally– to suspend contributions to the provinces and remove support from national film festivals. This situation mainly affects provincial production companies, which are the ones that interact most with Incaa. “On Tuesday a Federal Assembly was held, at the request of the provinces. As director of the filming commission at the Audiovisual Pole, the president of the Córdoba Culture Agency He delegated participation to me, so I was there as an assembly member,” he explained. Cecilia Hernandez who added that 85% of the content made in Córdoba is in coordination with Incaa.

The Assembly – made up of the culture secretaries of the provinces, an Advisory Council with regional representatives, and the industry (unions, directors, actors, producers) – defines audiovisual policies for the entire country and has the force of law.

However, despite the fact that the assembly rejected – 16 to eight – the Executive’s resolutions, Carlos Pirovano He indicated that he would not accept the result. “Pirovano talked about a deficit but we did not see any report; Incaa has an internal audit sector and they were not asked for situation reports either. These decisions that completely stop the industry cannot be made without reports from the control bodies. This is going to trigger some judicial presentations by associations because he cannot ignore the decisions of the assembly.”

Regarding the new promotion plan, Hernández said that “they presented a Comprehensive Plan for Audiovisual Contests that is something very basic. Some things will help, but if you are going to think about a comprehensive audiovisual policy for a country as diverse as ours, it falls far short.”

The assembly members also demanded a more federal plan, since in recent years 92.14% of Incaa resources went to Amba. “The promotion is fueled by the sale of movie tickets from all over the country, but it remains in the city and province of Buenos Aires. There is a very big imbalance. “We want the plan to be distributed in a more equitable way and to do so, we must think about comprehensive policies.”

Meanwhile in Córdoba the feature films are on hold and there are projects that, even with different types of support, have been canceled because without Incaa they cannot be made. “There are also production companies that are closing and I know that there are many technicians who are working on other things because there is no work,” Hernández lamented.

Next steps. A new assembly is called for this Tuesday and the assembly members demand the urgent creation of work tables to rethink a new promotion. Meanwhile, through the corridors of Incaa it is rumored that the new National Development Plan would already be ready and would be issued by decree, articulated with the large production companies in Buenos Aires.

And a fact: in recent months the staff of the development area has been made available and what was previously a ‘Federal Action Management’ has been reduced to an office called ‘Department of Relations with the Provinces’.

CASH REBATE. This week three of the municipal system’s winning short films are being filmed in the city.

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