Russia expressed its discomfort over Argentina’s support for Ukraine in the midst of the war

Russia expressed its discomfort over Argentina’s support for Ukraine in the midst of the war
Russia expressed its discomfort over Argentina’s support for Ukraine in the midst of the war


Russia hopes that Argentine authorities will refrain from interfering in the war in Ukraine by sending weapons to kyiv. This was reported this Friday by the russian ambassador in Buenos Aires, Dmitry Feoktistov. In this sense, he specifically criticized the participation of the Minister of Defense, Luis Petri, at the meeting of the Contact Group for the Defense of Ukraine in Brussels, known as the “Ramstein format.” This was reported by the Russian news agency ITAR-TASS.

“Regarding the participation of the Argentine Minister of Defense, there are still no official comments from the Argentine side. “The certain fact of the rapprochement between Buenos Aires and the military sponsors of Ukraine causes us deep disappointment”Feoktistov declared to the press in his country.

In this sense, the diplomatic representative pointed out that Argentina’s involvement seems to be part of its growing cooperation with the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO). “In April, Argentina requested the status of global partner of the alliance. “Frankly, we do not understand how granting this status can improve Argentina’s security,” express.

In another section of his statements, Feoktistov expressed his hope that Argentina will refrain from interfering in the Ukraine crisis, “maintaining its traditional moderation.” And he highlighted: “This will contribute to preserving the friendly nature of Russian-Argentine relations, which have historically been immune to political tendencies.”

Last Thursday, Luis Petri echoed Argentina’s entry into the Ukrainian Defense Contact Group and thanked his counterparts from Ukraine and the United States: “Our country joined the Ukrainian Defense Contact Group (Ramstein Group) and today I participated in the 23rd meeting in Brussels. “I thank the Secretary of Defense of the United States, Lloyd J. Austin III, and the Minister of Defense of Ukraine, Rustem Umiérov, for such a warm welcome.”

Argentina continues to work for Peace and international stability, coordinating our contribution in the field of humanitarian aid together with the 54 member countries; and he continues to defend the central principle of territorial integrity,” highlighted the minister.

This Friday he also published on his account x a series of images where he can be seen very complicit with Umiérov and detailed: “I spoke with the Minister of Defense of Ukraine. I conveyed President Javier Milei’s message in support and solidarity with the President of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelensky, and all the Ukrainian people in these challenging times.”

“We remain firm in the defense of Peace and territorial integrity”. he concluded.

From Switzerland, the president Javier Milei gave a speech at the Global Peace Summit in Ukraine, headed by Zelensky, in which He repudiated “any form of violence” and war “as a legitimate mechanism to resolve conflicts between nations.”

It is an honor for me to participate in this Peace Summit organized by President Zelensky, with whom we have established a close bond. We Argentines are aware of the value of peace and democratic coexistence as the guiding axis of life in society and that is why I am grateful for the invitation to this event,” the president began his speech. And he highlighted: “I want to express our maximum support to the people of Ukraine since as leaders of freedom we repudiate any form of violence, whether between individuals or Nations.”

The president also made a strong defense of free trade before a hundred States and organizations, with the exception of Russia and China. “War can never be the answer to problems that must be resolved in the political sphere. It should be the last resort of a people that must defend itself,” said Milei. “We are defenders of the idea of ​​freedom. Liberalism as we understand it is respect for the life project of others. “It is based on the principle of non-aggression, in the defense of the right to life, liberty and private property,” continuous.

“There is no economic prosperity if there is no free trade and there is no free trade if there is no peace. “Free trade is naturally peaceful, because where trade comes in, bullets don’t come in.” the president assured. “I can hate my neighbor, but if he doesn’t buy my product I’ll go bankrupt,” he stated quoting the economist Milton Friedman.


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