Plans after the Bases Law

Javier Milei’s government has a new horizon: July 9, when the frustrated May Pact would be signed. By that time the president hopes to arrive with the most consolidated government and retain a little of the constant resignations that happen every week in the ministries. On Friday, the Secretary of Economic Policy Joaquín Cottani left. Political scientist Pablo Salinas has been publishing a follow-up of the resigned officials on the social network X. According to his count, there are already 47 in 187 days of government, which gives one resignation every 4 days of management. The ministry with the most resignations is Human Capital and is followed by Economy and Chief of Staff.

The expectation for the Bases Law is that the Deputies will finish polishing what the Senate retouched and there is even speculation that the fiscal package could reincorporate the Income and Personal Assets chapters.

Once Milei gets his law, he hopes to relaunch the government with cabinet changes. The incorporation of Federico Sturzenegger is expected and departures such as Mariano Cúneo Libarona in Justicia and Mario Russo in Health. Cecilia Loccisano, Jorge Triaca’s ex-wife, who at the beginning of May was appointed Secretary of Administrative Coordination, with the promise of making her a minister, would ascend to this place.

An organization that has already undertaken a relaunch process is the AFI. Sergio Neiffert, the new spy chief, has some changes in mind, which he is already working on. The first is to recover the old name of the AFI and call it SIDE again. This idea is not his, but rather Santiago Caputo and Rodrigo Lugones, who gained territory within this organization after the resignation of Nicolás Posse. On the other hand, the organization chart will be divided into three main directions: Cyber ​​Intelligence, Internal Intelligence and External Intelligence.

Lugones was in Buenos Aires last week – he lives in Madrid and comes once a month – and held meetings focused on helping organize Neiffert’s landing. The intention to call it SIDE again is also a way to recover part of that 90s mystique that the communications team seeks to instill in the government.

Neiffert comes to the government after the resignation of Silvestre Sívori, Nicolás Posse’s trusted man in managing the spies, but when Posse lost the president’s trust, Sívori also lost it. The big question is: why did he lose her? In the months prior to Posse’s departure, there was talk that there were ministers, like Sandra Pettovello, for example, who said that Posse was spying on them. Santiago Caputo would also have stated this.

The replacement, Guillermo Francos, gave a different dynamic to the Cabinet leadership, which it had not had until now. In a much more political role and with the experience of the Ministry of the Interior – now converted into a Secretariat – in tow, Francos negotiated vote by vote with the governors. He even gets along better with Mauricio Macri, whom he met at the Stock Exchange last Tuesday at the Multiplicar Conciencia foundation cocktail.

Former President Macri is preparing public appearances for the coming days with the intention of continuing to support Milei and especially the changes incorporated with the Bases Law, but with the idea of ​​renegotiating his agreement with the president. Macri repeats to his own people that it is important that the Base Law comes out and from there to review the alliance with Milei again. In parallel he is already beginning to outline the campaign for next year, but with no notion of which part of the electorate to speak to or what to say, he does not even know if he will coordinate this with the government.

But Macri has another priority: the construction of his new house. He has just bought a piece of land in Vicente López, on Gaspar Campos Street, a few blocks from the historic house where Juan Domingo Perón lived when he returned from his exile in Madrid. Another famous resident of those blocks is the deputy Miguel Ángel Pichetto. All fellow Peronists.

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