Luis Petri’s new political space was born in Mendoza, Liberals for the Future

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Luis Petri, the leader of the new political space in Mendoza.

“Especially after the publication in the newspaper (UNO), many more leaders approached us to join; but we are not going to make them known until after the act that we may carry out,” confirmed one of the voices that make up the group.

It refers to a short ceremony that looks forward to next week. It had been planned for Saturday afternoon or evening, but be aware that many people will be traveling for the long weekend.; It was postponed to one of the business days after Monday the 24th.

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Protagonists. Alfredo Cornejo with Minister Bullrich, Lourdes Arrieta, and Luis Petri with Milei, on May 25.

This Tuesday They formalized their intentions through a newsletter press release they sent mid-morning. There they named some of the objectives that the group has for the future and that, in part, had already transcended: fundamentally privatize or concession state companies such as Emesa, Tamase, Mendoza Fiduciaria, AYSAM, Aemsa and Mendoza Impulsa.

Although IMPSA was mentioned in that combo, they chose not to put it in this “official” document. In addition to that, they talk about giving the 1,023 million dollars that belonged to Portezuelo “a destination to enhance private risk investment.”

Howeverthe changes would go beyond those specific aspects that they pointed out and had leaked to the press. The reference of what is called meta-macro ands “transform the mental map of Mendoza and that it no longer has so much control over the State; to stop being a province where the strongest is the state,” they said. Their intention is to turn it into the first truly liberal province of Argentina, as explained to this medium.

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Javier Milei, Luis Petri and the 2025 elections

As far as the sources said, President Javier Milei is not aware of this political movement; which in practice does not imply major changes, but which doesEnhances Petri’s profile and places him even more decisively on a path similar to the ideas of the president, now with a structure that makes it explicit in his name.

Added to all this are the chances that, later on, several of its members join La Libertad Avanza Mendoza, the party that Lourdes Arrieta andIt is practically on track in the Electoral Justice.

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The man from Mendoza is one of the ministers most valued by Javier Milei.

The man from Mendoza is one of the ministers most valued by Javier Milei.

There are 2,000 “willing” guarantees to join this new political force. They would all be from the Democratic Progressive Party -in theory they come from the time of Petri’s gubernatorial campaign- and would end up in the national deputy’s project; that precisely has had judicial problemss because of the number of irregularities in the guarantees he presented at the beginning.

To the people of Petri who represent Liberals for the Future “He is not interested in forming a political party based on this,” they stated., but they are willing to go with the national legislator in a kind of alliance. It is known that she is one of the references that Karina Milei would promote. Petri, for his part, is the possible link with the radicals, the harshest cornejismo and the PRO.

“There is already a Libertarian Party in Mendoza and there is two intentions to form La Libertad Avanza at the provincial level, that finally seems to come together under the leadership of Lourdes. We believe that there is no need for another party that embodies support for Milei here; But what we will need from next year will be a strong coalition. To contribute in that sense we are working,” they explained from within.

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Petri maintains a good relationship with Cornejo, after facing him in the Cambia intern in 2023.

Petri maintains a good relationship with Cornejo, after facing him in the Cambia intern in 2023.

With the “two intentions” by LLA Mendoza He was also referring to the request of lawyer Alejandro Barraza, who has finally decided not to fight Arrieta, as he did at the beginning, but to ally himself with him. On Monday of last week, in fact, They had agreed to meet at lunchtime at the Hyatt hotel.

In this way, andThe new space appears with more than two thousand people willing to accompany Milei and also to the Sanmartinian for the next electoral battles, including a possible play in tandem with the new national government party. Although the 2025 legislative They are the first thing that appears on the horizon, the intentions of thee Petri to be the next governor of Mendoza. He tried with good numbers in 2023 and it is almost a certainty that he will be a candidate in 2027.

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Are they part of Cambia Mendoza?

The group has made clear its affinity with the ruling front, beyond doing some critics which Petri himself has already outlined on other occasions. Opportunities like last year’s campaign, which left him on the verge of moving on to the general election shouting out loud that the administration was on pause and he had to “hit play.”

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Petri was on June 6 leading the Federal Security Meeting in the Bustelo auditorium.

Petri was on June 6 leading the Federal Security Meeting in the Bustelo auditorium.

Anyway, from inside the this political offspring called Liberals for the Future, They remember – and it is something visible – that it is not that they have a very high participation in the Cornejo government in management places.

In fact, there are just a handful of names: of the pure Petrists (or almost), there are Patricia Giménez, his former formula mate for the governorship, who is in the Cabinet as head of ProMendoza; Soledad Villarruel, reference and former advisor to the minister, who is a member of the OSEP board, and Pablo Cairo, former legislator and today General Management advisor at the Institute of Games and Casinos. It was not said, but apropos of everything, Cairo It’s one of the endorsements that Arrieta had to create LLA Mendoza. His signature is on the official documentation.

Richard Battagionthe only one who agreed to speak in on For this note, he made his position regarding management clear: “We do not want to be confrontational with the Government; quite the opposite. We want to talk with power entities, drawing attention to achieve, in the future, a change of model. Mendoza must leave behind your habit of not innovating and offer an opening of heads. Even in the minds of businessmen, not only of political power or officials,” he noted.

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